When Will He Start to Pack?

<p>We're not going to actually put things in the suitcases until two days before he leaves, but we're in high gear here. Once my son gets going on a project, he gets going. He has various lists: what to buy there, what to buy before he goes, what to pack, and what he needs to do before leaving. We have the staging area in the laundry room of things he is taking. Today he got about 8 things checked off of the "to do" and "to buy" lists. We're feeling good about the day, but know we have to keep up the progress.</p>

<p>One thing we DID do this weekend is order books from online used bookstores. He got his booklist online and was able to figure out the ISBN #s. Even if he changes classes he should be able to sell the books he bought to other students. I know I am running the risk of his having a wrong ISBN # or edition, but we decided for first semester we'd try this so he'd have the books the first week, rather than having to wait til class started and then order them-- as the media rate is slow, slow slow, and the faster shipping an get expensive. So far only had to order one brand new edition of a book-- a calculus book--it cost $144!! ACK!!</p>

<p>Does anyone else think that pre-college maternal anxiety feels like PMS? ;) I guess it would be PMA.</p>

<p>lists--wow--what a concept--beyond my kids! lol!</p>

<p>Woo! Some items have appeared in one of the suitcases I set out for him. It's a start! :D</p>

<p>10 days to departure, and S has done the packing he thinks is important. I forced him over the weekend to pick out the clothes he's taking--everything except underwear and T-shirts that he might wear in the next few days. The floor of his room is gradually appearing for the first time in years as he wants to be sure not to forget anything. </p>

<p>Asked me last night if we could make 2 piles--the must take items and the I'd-like-to-take items. That way, we'll see if there's room in the van after we have the must-take items stowed. </p>

<p>He takes after his mom, somewhat. Just enough to infuriate DH when S & I start talking about the minute details of packing, dorm room storage, and labeling.</p>

<p>S flying out the morning of the 20th. Expect packing to begin late the evening of the 19th. Since he doesn't have a place to live yet, he's only taking one duffle of clothing essentials and his electronics and juggling equipment. We'll be shipping the rest of his clothes; hopefully he will find last year's stuff in storage at his destination. Everything else will be purchased at Target or online as they set up their apartment. It's not like he's traveling to a foreign country.</p>

<p>"he's only taking one duffle of clothing essentials and his electronics and juggling equipment"</p>

<p>LOL at the juggling equipment's being among his essentials to bring. :)</p>

<p>I can't wait to reclaim my dining room which has been taken over with all the stuff I've bought or salvaged from home for S. His room looks no different than the day he graduated HS & he's not at all concerned about getting packed or even going through his clothes to decide what else he may need. DH is fanatical about getting the car packed so I'm sure there will be confllicts to come when their two disparate schedules collide.</p>

<p>well, of course, he's only pursuing that engineering degree so that he can be president of the Juggling Club and attend the World Juggling Federation convention in Las Vegas next December ;) .</p>


<p>10 days 'til departure, and the only "packing" I've done is to pretty much leave everything I bought in the boxes it came in.</p>

<p>Yeah. Sad, I know. But it really is better to pack the night before. Really!</p>

<p>What's packing? My S leaves in about the same time frame & has just recently unpacked from a monthlong trip. I suspect he'll be throwing things into a suitcase the night before his departure, as usual. D is the same! (I guess I should talk, since I tend to pack the day before or day of departure myself). I was much more organized when going off to college. Really, I was!</p>

<p>You should take 'em out of the boxes, HGFM. More space that way. I'm about 75% done packing and I move out on Thursday. D: My roomie's no better--she moved in on Monday and I was actually helping her pack late on Saturday night. </p>

<p>My main worry is that I'm going to forget something I actually want unless I pack BEFORE the last minute. So I've been packing in spurts since yesterday.</p>

<p>See, I forget stuff when I DON'T pack last-minute...because then I think "Oh yeah, I already packed that."</p>

<p>Yes. I'm that scatterbrained.</p>

<p>I may take stuff out of the boxes, but we're taking both my parents' Tahoe and my Chrysler Concorde, so I'm not all that worried about space.</p>

<p>HGFM, some of the other threads have great lists of what to pack, but these few items jumped out at me as really handy for those arriving by car -- a box cutter to open and break down cartons; a fan to plug in right away; a cooler with iced drinks; and a portable dolly ("Magna Cart") -- all good items to have handy when you arrive at your dorm. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks! I did indeed get a good fan as my dorm has heat, but no A/C. :)</p>

<p>We leave Saturday morning and we've gathered, not packed. I haven't even done much encouraging (read nag if you're a kid) as he had a horrible case of mono last two weeks of July until about mid week last week. He finally has energy and he wants to be with his friends. Packing won't take long, and I want him to be with his pals. He packed to be gone all summer at camp before in a couple of hours....Fashion in his mind is t-shirt and cargos.
I know, at least the bad case of mono didn't happen at school with big tests but it did change the summer.</p>

<p>We leave w/ D at the crack of dawn on Friday for the 12 hour drive. She finishes work at 4:30 PM Thursday. Packed as of right now? Absolutely nothing. She says since she's going abroad 2nd semester, she's not taking that much back. We'll see -- but, ready or not, we're leaving early on Friday!</p>

<p>Take off day is Sat. As of today, still no packing. All of S2's stuff remains piled in a heap on S1's (who is coming for a vist on Fri) bed. </p>

<p>DH is of no help on the motivation front. He is a last minute packer himself. When I started planning lists for our post drop-off beach trip, he told me I was taking all the fun out it with so much planning! When I mentioned S2 might perhaps want to get a box or two, DH ( self-proclaimed king of efficient car packing) says boxes worthless and harder to pack and carry. Bags are the thing says DH. Once again, Mom is defeated. I'm not saying another word about packing/planning. My lips are sealed. I give up.</p>

<p>It's Thursday, 8:10 PM here in CT, and D has just started packing!!! We're leaving at 6:30 tomorrow morning -- so the only question is how much sleep she'll get tonight. Oh well, she has a 12 hour ride to catch up on her Z's.</p>