when will waitlist students get their result?

I got waitlisted for undecided in march. I wonder when could we got our result. I ask Purdue they told me before June, but I know some people get off the waitlist in April last year, so I want to ask has anyone off the waitlist yet?

I don’t know anyone who got off of waitlist in April (not just in Purdue, but everywhere), and if he really did get into Purdue on April, then probably he was not really waitlisted. Waitlist get-off is determined after people accept/reject their offers of admission, which should be done by May 1 (varies by school). Once it is past May 1, those who haven’t responded are automatically considered to be refusing to go to Purdue. Based on the number of those who have accepted/rejected admission offers, the number of waitlist get-offs gets determined. If the number of admission-offer accepting student meets/exceeds a certain cutoff, then usually no one gets off the waitlist, while if more than expected people reject the offer, then many people (depending on the number) are taken off the waitlist. Common misconception is that there is a “waitlist acceptance rate,” but it is always unpredictable, so don’t count on it.

My assumption is that the person who “got off the waitlist” in April actually just got accepted in April after applying really late, as Purdue accepts students on a rolling basis.

Waitlist get-off notification date varies by schools, but typically they send it by July. Most of the times, they send the notification in 3~4 weeks after May 1 (assuming May 1 is the final day for response). Waitlist notification date cannot be really pre-determined, and a lot of times it varies from year.