Where are some good study spots?


<p>I was talking to my daughter the other day who is a freshman at UW, and she mentioned that she needed to find some quite, nice, study spots. She has been very busy just keeping up with homework (LOTS of reading for her courses) that she has not been able to go explore as much as she would like to in order to find good study spots.</p>

<p>She is centrally located at Chadbourne, so anywhere on the east end of campus could work well. </p>

<p>Where could any of you who are current or past students recommend as good spots? I think she is mostly looking for quiet, and 'bonuses' would be; sunny, a view to take a brake and enjoy, couch instead of just chairs, pleasing space aesthetically to be in. Short list, huh?</p>

<p>Thanks, DJD</p>

<p>college library.</p>

<p>The Starbucks on State would be good, on the second floor. It’s not too quiet at night, since there’s so many people though, but it’s a nice place to study, and the seating is so comfy. There’s a fire place, too. ;] College library has couches, Memorial does. Peet’s Coffee in the Union might be worth a go, too.</p>

<p>A really nice place is the study area on the fourth floor of Van Hise. It’s absolutely quiet, sunny, there’s chairs (some comfy chairs (with desk tops), some desk chairs) , all but one wall is glass. Seems to fit the bill. I discovered it last semester, and I spent so much time in there. It’s hard to find a seat in the time of classes though, because so many people study there. Get there right after classes end to get a seat. After 12:50ish it’s pretty vacant, though.</p>

<p>I can think of more, those are just the ones that pop to mind right away.</p>

<p>Warning- the Helen C White/college library- lends itself to staring at the lake as well as being a study choice. Convenient to Chad as well. She can explore any of the other libraries as well, you don’t need to be a major in a field to hide away and study. If most students on her floor go out to study her room or floor lounge/den may also work some days.</p>

<p>The Memorial Union is loud. I do not study there because of that; and I’m not sure how people can focus when there’re constant hoards of people rushing past. Same thing goes for the terrace and Bascom Hill.</p>

<p>I personally thought Union South was a great place to study before they knocked it down. They had lots of computers, and the volume of people was lower.</p>

<p>The second floor of the Memorial Library has comfy chairs and sofas if that’s what she’s looking for.</p>

<p>Dorm room works too.</p>

<p>I’m currently a freshmen living in the Chadbourne 7th floor and I find the study room in Chadbourne Residential College basement extremely quite every time I study. Really nice spot.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. I forwarded this link to her. She said she will check some of them out. She does mostly study in her dorm room which works good a lot of the time. </p>

<p>Occasionally, there are issues with her roommate (usually they get along very good) around noise - as in she needs it VERY quite to really concentrate on what she is reading, and she has LOTS of reading. Her roommate is not loud, but just talking on the phone, listening to music even at a quiet level, etc… just small things.</p>

<p>She does know about the “quiet room” in the basement at Chad too. I think she was slightly spoiled growing up as we have a VERY light filled semi-solar house that has a great '“feel”, especially in the short days of winter, and a lot of comfy spots to kick back and read/study, so the standards might be high ;).</p>

<p>Thanks, DJD</p>

<p>If she studies during the day, you can’t beat Chazen (the museum across the street from Chad). Not many students know there is a library in there so it is very quiet and usually very empty. They have great comfy couches and big tables for you to choose from, and lots of little nooks and crannies if you need extra privacy.</p>

<p>Just a thanks again for all the replies. She called yesterday and said she finally had time to go and check out a few of the recommendations. I think she said in the last 2 days she has been to the Kohler Art Library, College Library, and Memeorial Library. She did like them all, but for others reading this she really like Kohler Library for a “comfy, quiet, undistracting” place.</p>


<p>My favorite libraries, mainly because they were so quiet:</p>

<li><p>Top floor of the Social Sciences building has a tiny little library. Next door to the library is a huge, expansive room that is usually empty and overlooks the lake with huge floor-to-ceiling windows. That was definitely my favorite place.</p></li>
<li><p>Mills Music Library, on the lower floor of Memorial Library. Very quiet, removed from the rest of the library, and usually dead. They have some computers and printers, too. I really liked writing my papers in here.</p></li>

<p>My freshman D can’t function in a quiet environment, but there’s too much commotion (people walking in) at the dorm, so she likes Fair Trade Coffee or Mediterranean Cafe, both on State Street.</p>