Where are you applying for film school?

I don’t think when people look at the “rankings” of film schools they actually read about why each program was given that ranking. Many of the tops are ranked top due to their graduate program not undergrad (some dont even offer undergrad).
Chapman is all focused on undergrad and with their new career development department lead by Joe Rosenberg and newest production equipment like LED wall I think they could even go higher than #4. Chapman film production (which includes editing, directing, screenwriting, sound design, creative producing, production design and cinematography) takes a total of 80 freshman out of about 1,300 applicants. What makes Dodge unique is its a conservatory method of teaching but then you also have the liberal arts university general education as well. Small classes, collaborative environment, great mentoring and opportunities to be hands on from day one.


Hi FilmMom2026. Thanks for your insights into DePaul. My son has been accepted to start this fall as well. But his top choice is Occidental in LA. He feels being in LA is important and offers more hands on learning and internship opportunties. The problem is cost. With all the aid offered, Oxy is still more than $25,000 a year. That would be in loans. I would love for him to go to DePaul, but know he feels like it is a second choice and wouldn’t be happy with it. Not sure how to get across the value of not incurring high debt for basically the same outcome. Any advice is welcomed.

Does anyone know the name of the Ithaca film program major that would be equivalent with the Syracuse, Emerson film production?

film, photography, visual arts BFA, Park School

Thank you! We are visiting tomorrow and wanted to make sure of the major.

Hi FilmMom2026,
I don’t know if you will see this message but my D is starting to reconsider DePaul. She’s applying now and we are wondering how it is to study at DePaul so far.

We are still applying to RD and this is a really helpful post! Thank you.
My daughter is applying to Animation programs.

My daughter just got in for animation. We are visiting in the spring. Have you been to campus?

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going January 27th.

My daughter applied to: American University, BU, Columbia College in Chicago, DePaul, Drexel, Emerson, Indiana, Quinnipiac, Syracuse, Temple, Boulder, UT Austin (which she will NEVER get into!), Ithaca, U of Arizona, and UC Denver…

Any feedback on these schools/programs would be appreciated…

How was it?

What did you decide? My DD got into Chapman and LMU!

We liked DePaul and Chicago. Students are enthusiastic, facilities are great. I heard someone say that Depaul was the closest institution to Chapman, but I didn’t ask if this candidate was interested in film or animation. But my DD is undecided. She is still hesitating between Ithaca, Depaul and Emerson. She is still waiting for answers from other institutions. If it was me, I would go to Depaul.

We are visiting DePaul on the 24th. Unfortunately, We can’t make any of the admitted student preview days.

Did you tour the school of Cinematic Arts and/or Cinespace?

We have a full, jam packed with the Lincoln Park tour in the morning, then the Cinespace tour followed by a tour of SCA on the Loop campus.

Anything special that was done for the admitted student preview day that we might be missing out on?

yes, we did. We visited Lincoln Campus, then went to SCA on the Loop where we met some professors and the director of the department, then students, all from the film and animation programs, and all of that for presentations and Q&A sessions. We had lunch with teachers, then students went in class, one of cinematography, one of screenwriting, and during that time we, the parents, met with some administrators to discuss the housing’s process. Then we toured SCA and finally went to cinespace. We’ve been busy from 8:00 till 5:00 or 6:00pm.

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Sorry! Just seeing your message months late! Congrats to your daughter on two great choices. Which did she select? My son chose Chapman and has had a wonderful first year. He loves it!

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