Where Are You Going and Why?

Curious as to what school people have decided to go to and why. Post which school you will enroll in and what helped you make that decision!

Also, feel free to tag ATTENDING: at the end of your entry on the 2021 Prep School Decisions thread so we can capture your whole story in one place.

I’ll start - (I wanted to wait until it was official, but we paid the deposit last night)

PROS: kind community, strong performing arts program, size, location, small town setting, leadership (they are very open and transparent), top notch facilities, top notch dorms (with a/c!), skiing/snowboarding, large variety of electives.
It was very close between M’burg and Berkshire, but in the end Berkshire was too difficult for us to fly DD in and out of and we felt this would be a continuous problem throughout the four years.


Peddie, since it’s the only school that accepted me🤣


PSA: For anyone who posts here, I will update ATTENDING: on the decisions thread for you.

That was us 4 years ago-- yet it was still a perfect fit for my DS. I’m sure it will be the same for you!


Mercersburg. DC wanted to go to BS, and as a firm believer of public school I didnt know how to reconcile this desire with my beliefs. Though they had the grades and SSAT, I said they weren’t allowed to apply to the super competitive schools, life is too short for saturday classes and being stressed. Also, was surprised at how big some of the schools are? Anyway DC had to make a list and tell me why each school spoke to them. They complied a list of academics, sports, diversity, service, size (not too big not too small). Mercersburg seems aware of its privilege, and making their students into kind, compassionate citizens. It was the one school we could both agree on. I really take heart that the school eats together 7 times a week, I felt this said a lot.


Also forgot to say what really sealed the deal was Mercersburg’s outdoor education program. After a year of sitting inside staring at a computer screen for online classes, i want DC outside doing things, not inside a classroom! DC couldn’t find too many other schools with that program and other criteria, too

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Welcome to Mercersburg, @Moominprep! There is a small group of us current parents on here - please reach out if we can assist you in any way! Congrats!

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@Moominprep It’s a wonderful school. Anna Crouch is superb.


I will have an incoming 9th grader at Mercersburg as well! She will be joining my 11th grade daughter. Happy to answer any questions!


bumping, since A10 is tomorrow and most have made the final decision…

It was a long cycle for us and I had no idea which direction it would go but gosh we feel great about where we landed (as I posted about yesterday in more length.).
Yay A10!!


Hill! It’s an overall great fit, I love the community, and especially the structure!


Westover!!! It was first, the only school I was accepted at, but second, a school that I think really fit with who I am. I loved that it was all-girls, the WISE program, the cozy and close-knit campus, the truly stellar technical theater program, just everything, honestly.


Mercersburg! My daughter applied to Cate (where her older siblings go) and Mercersburg (I’m an alum). Accepted at both and chose Mercersburg for the dance program and we prefer smaller & friendlier schools like Cate & Mercersburg. We had no interest in the 800+ high stress schools.


Loomis! Go pelicans! Mainly chose for their writing and arts programs, and the fact they’re only 35-40 so minutes away


will you be a day student?

No, I am doing boarding as my parents cannot drive 40 there 40 back each day

ooh ok makes sense

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