Where are your nursing majors applying to?

<p>Where are your nursing majors applying to?
My dd likes big cities!!!</p>

<p>She has an unweighted GPA of 3.9 and SAT score 1800 (retaking soon).</p>

<p>Looking at theses colleges:</p>

<p>University of San Francisco
George Washington University
Seattle University
Texas Christian U
University of Portland
Seattle Pacific
Northeastern (won't get in)
UCLA (won't get in)
Cal State Chico (we live in CA).</p>

<p>What schools are your rising nursing majors applying to?</p>

<p>Her school rank is 32/475 and she is Native American if that matters…</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say she won’t get into Northeastern, especially if she has good ECs and gets the SAT up.</p>

<p>She would get in northeastern… I don’t think GWU has nursing… We did not care for Drexel. She would be accepted there as well. Dream big…</p>

<p>Hello, All!</p>

<p>My D is going to apply for nursing to:</p>

U Connecticut
U Delaware

<p>Applying to Rochester Institute of Tech (RIT) for the Physician’s Assistant program, but so competitive so not sure. She has a chance though. If she doesnt get in, she is excited about getting her RN and will move into nurse practitioner after graduation.</p>

<p>Checking out Rutgers U. </p>

<p>Checked out College of NJ, Stockton, Boston College but she did not like them. Wish she liked the NJ schools b/c that is in-state for us. Sigh She doesnt want to check out William Paterson (although I hear great school). Considered Stony Brook, but the drive is a nightmare. Keeping local community college as an option for costs sake (1 of 4 children!), but she really wants the college experience, and I am fine with that.</p>

<p>My D stats: </p>

<p>SAT 1960 (btw mamamoes…she took 3 times, and consistently went up 100 pts each time, so good for your daughter retaking!)</p>

<p>ACT: 29 composit
GPA: 3.81 weighted (one lousy bad grade in math in Soph year and not without trying! UGH!
Shadowing doctor in 2 weeks. shadowed PT and chiro.</p>

<p>Hoping she will get into all her schools and maybe some merit (please please please!!). What do you guys think?</p>

<p>PS–so exciting!</p>

<p>I’m going to be a nursing major. I’m applying to UNH, Northeastern, UMASS Amherst, UCONN, Quinnipiac, Salem State, and Stony Brook. GPA is a 3.3 UW, SAT is 2040</p>

<p>If someone is looking for a not-extremely-competitive physician’s assistant program, check out DeSales University in Center Valley PA (about an hour north of Phila.) It is a 5 year bachelors - masters program. I don’t have data, but my impression is that the direct entry PA programs are easier for entry than the post-bachelors programs. They just finished a large new building for their nursing and PA programs.</p>

<p>Yesway - If I were you, I’d insist your daughter take a second look at College of NJ. It is supposed to be a good nursing program at a pleasant campus. I understand they are building a commercial complex next to the campus to serve the students.</p>

<p>I applied to UCI for nursing and will attend in the fall :)</p>

<p>charlieschm–I think I will encourage her to look at TCNJ again because you are right–it is an excellent school.</p>

<p>irecto-congrats on attending UCI!</p>

<p>I would love to go to University of Washington -Seattle, but from what I have researched they give little financial aid…especially for out of state…is that true?</p>

<p>Buenavida: This type of question would probably be better answered on the U of Washington - Seattle forum.
[University</a> of Washington - College Confidential](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-washington/]University”>University of Washington - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>thanks a lot aglages!</p>