Many Nursing Acceptances are out. So where are you planning to attend-and why?

<p>I realize that many applicants are still waiting to hear about Nursing acceptances but I believe many have already heard from Programs and have made a decision about where they will be going. So where are you going-and why did you choose to go there?</p>

112 views & no one wanted to post , ok, I will be brave :)</p>

<p>My D is still waiting to hear from 1 more college so she really doesn’t know yet.
She is most likely going to attend
( VCU ) Virginia Commonwealth University , accepted into Honors College
it is a Pre-Nursing Program ( 2 + 2 ) so she will have to apply to the Nursing Program later.</p>

<p>According to the stats they showed us during the " health science only" info session we attended, they received aprx 340 apps for the Nursing Program & accepted only 67 students. Those accepted last year had a * college GPA * ( not high school ) of aprx 3.72 to close to 3.8 </p>

<p>The health science programs/majors at VCU are very competitive.</p>

<p>so… that’s where we think our D2 will be going to.</p>

<p>Our oldest D1 is also planning to apply to VCU Accelerated BSN Program later this fall …so we’ll see how that goes.</p>

<p>I’m attending UMASS Amherst! I love the campus, the social atmosphere, the sheer number of people-it’s really an environment where you can find yourself. In addition, it has a really well respected program with an incredible NCLEX pass rate-and as a large university, there are so many opportunities out there. Ugh. I love my school. Get me there now!</p>

<p>DD has been accepted to the following direct admit programs:</p>

<p>York College of PA
Indiana University of PA
West Chester University
Widener University</p>

Arcadia University -> 2+2 program transferring to Thomas Jefferson</p>

<p>She still has a few more applications out, including Penn State and Seton Hall. We can’t really make any decisions until we get the full FA package in March so that means York College is probably out since they are typically full by the end of January, per their letter.</p>

<p>D has been accepted to the Direct Entry programs of :</p>

<p>University of Pittsburgh
Case Western
Marquette. </p>

<p>We are waiting to hear decisions from Delaware, Northeastern, BC (deferred), Marymount and UVM (we were told we would hear from UVM in December but then they wrote and said they did not receive a transcript until the 11th and we would have to wait.). She is officially pulling out of U Minnesota consideration since they are a 2-2 and the farthest away from home. </p>

<p>Case Western, Pitt and Villanova are her top choices but we are making some financial decisions first. Her brother is applying to med schools so we are balancing carefully. </p>

<p>As of today I think it may be CASE which all three of us loved even in the snowstorm and D on crutches. We just showed up at the Nursing program office after our tour and a Bolton admissions officer took an hour at lunch to take us around including to the hospitals that are accessible underground. </p>

<p>Pitt has always been our heart and where our son is graduating a Neuro/Chem major in three months but we have been somewhat oddly underwhelmed this time out. She was accepted there in September. Communication with Pitt has just been a bear and like pulling teeth. We’ll see. I’ll post when she and we sit down and finally decide.</p>

<p>Basic stats–3.69-3.7 weighted, SAT 1980 first score–superscored 2040 (680 650 710) rigorous private school, nonranking. Quiz Bowl Academic team, violist since age 6 (orchestra), 4 years of volleyball, tons of volunteer hours with kids and in a local hospital plus paid camp counselor job since age 15…</p>


<p>Congrats Washdcmom for your son’s soon to be graduation for neuro/chem major! What an accomplishment!</p>

<p>Top schools applied for consideration: TCNJ, UDelaware, Villanova, Quinnipiac, Scranton, and maybe Messiah. Top realistics: TCNJ, UD, Quinn, Scranton. Waiting for financials (and Villa/TCNJ if accepted) which will help decide. Guess on choice: Quinnipiac but will be happy at any of these schools.</p>

<p>Schools applied off the list: Rutgers (accepted but not to nursing…last choice on list anyway; no love lost), DeSales (great program, too small), Catholic U of America (found out it changed to a 2+2…thank you CC!)</p>

<p>Schools in limbo and could go up or down: Northeastern and UConn. Also RIT for their PA program (only one applied) but likely not to be accepted to that program.</p>

<p>All schools are still up for consideration depending on finances. </p>

<p>Why D likes top schools:
TCNJ: Great program for affordable price. No real downsides except near Trenton.
UD: Great in every way. Downside (in D’s mind): a little large and spread out for D’s tastes, heard a lot that it is a party school
Villanova: Great in every way. Downside–no aid? Waiting…
Quinnipiac: Again, great in every way. Likes suburban. No downsides (does not mind 3 campuses)
Scranton: Great in every way. Liked people. Downside–does not like city environment–but not a dealbreaker. Would definitely attend (which is why Northeastern is in limbo…amazing school; not sure if want to be in a city but loved the school.)
Messiah: Liked everything. Very affordable. Downside–a bit too small (for D’s tastes) Seems like people go home on weekends but not sure.</p>

<p>Thanks CAKEisgreat…sounds like you have alot of good choices and like us some waiting and wading through to decision. Good luck with this phase. I know I’ll be ready for the end.;-)</p>

<p>WashDCmom… read your post about Case Western vs PITT with interest. D is also accepted to Case Western’s Nursing, and we have yet to make a final decision. I’m leaning heavily toward Case, but need D to get on board as well (she’s anxious about the distance from home, 10+hrs). We are visiting Case Western at the end of March during one of the accepted students two day events. Looking forward to seeing the campus up close and in person and not just from Google Maps street view. I was born in Pittsburgh and live in Cleveland as a kid, so I’m familiar with both cities, and prefer the way Cleveland is laid out… UPMC is great (PITT), but with Case Medical/Univ Hospitals, Stokes VA, and the Cleveland Clinic all within a mile or so of Case Western that’s a tough combination to beat for clinicals, research opportunities, job opportunities and just plain experience. During this whole process of applying to schools it was very clear that some schools pay close attention to the student and the parents (the personal touch), while others were very hands off…those made you feel more like we were just a revenue stream for the school. I mirror your observation of PITTs lack of attention, and was impressed with Case’s constant personal contact with my D and us as parents. I have come to the conclusion that the more a school pays attention to a perspective student more likely they will be interested in the student after enrollment, and not just see them as number. Case sent a letter to D last night saying that they going to have an Alumni from the Nursing school call her to talk about their experiences at Case and post Case career, and answer any questions my D might have. Of the 13 direct admit schools my D applied to, only Case Western and Norwich Univ went to lengths to recruit and do the “personal touch”, it made you feel almost as part of their “families” than any of the other schools. Hoping that is a good sign of the quality of the programs and interest in the students.</p>

<p>Wow JK, amazing post and comments. You are utterly and completely in my head. From the treatment we received on campus as NON ADMITS! NON APPLICANTS even! to the constant response to our questions whether from Admissions or Financial, we have been completely blown away by CASE. We also received the CASE email about receiving an alumni call. </p>

<p>I made an error on her initial CSS back in November–failing to put that D. would be living on campus. In a panic I wrote the CASE Financial Aid officer. She wrote me back a very kind note within 30 minutes on a Sunday saying she would flag it first thing when it came in. It’s not that you expect that. It’s that you take note of it and appreciate it. Villanova and Marquette have also been fairly seamless as well and very responsive. Yesterday, one of the Villanova Nursing professors called D inviting her to a Nursing Admit event.</p>

<p>In the main, I have noticed a marked decline in just basic “customer service” with many schools just since 2010, especially state schools. This may be budgetary or may be that everyone and his addled grandma is handing out free applications pushing the work load up to the sky and really not having the manpower to sift through in a timely and appropriate manner. It’s amazing to me also that high ranked US schools with advanced technology at their hands have as many snafus as they do. It’s just odd. MY husband and I keep saying, in addition to the costs going haywire, was the response like this when S. was applying 4 years ago? Or are we merely getting older, more tired and less patient. LOL.</p>

<p>D’s Pitt contact is quite good on her own but she is on the road a great deal for obvious reasons. We have had just random constant sort of headaches with them from their very antiquated portal, to waiting 7 or more days for a simple answer to very protracted late responses on financial aid materials. Also this past summer D wrote the head of the nursing program stating her interest, that her brother was a graduating student who had on her past visit commandeered one of his nursing school friends to give her a tour of the building. That friend suggested D write her. D. was coming up to Pitt for a summer stop and was hoping to speak with her. Zero response. Nothing. Not even a "I passed your email along… etc etc. As I said Pitt is my heart and since son is going to work in Pitt for a year before heading to medical school, it would be nice to have the children together for each other and easily accessible to us. But no this experience, this particular rodeo has been frustrating, I have also noted the precipitous decline in the PITT NYCLEX pass rates and actually wanted to get more at the root cause of that. Is that a text, curriculum change? IS that a change in the NYCLEX test and the school is catching up with prep? And if so why is their dropoff so much steeper than other PA schools?</p>

<p>And yes this is extremely TRUE. The more responsive an institution is to the child’s questions, concerns and applications, the more geeked up the child gets. CASE and PITT have always been on her top radar. But Pitt which had ruled the roost all summer and fall has been falling off the screen more and more each day while other schools are gaining traction. And frankly, as a parent who may need to get on the phone or email over the next four years to whatever school is selected, you do take such encounters as gauges. IF we have a concern or question will someone be reachable or are we throwing ourselves down a black hole?</p>

<p>The above posts bring up many valid points, and many of your interactions have been with the nursing dept. or financial aid, which are important. </p>

<p>However, other people need to be careful that they don’t rely too much on the friendliness or unfriendliness of the university’s admissions staff in making a college decision. Some people even get turned off by one secretary who answers a phone, and who just may be having a bad day. You will never deal with the admissions staff again after you accept admission. The admissions staff may or may not be an indicator of user-friendliness of the rest of a university.</p>

<p>Also, in regards to the RN test results, a lower score is more significant if a university has highly selective admissions for their nursing program. It means they did less with more. In comparison, a high pass rate is more significant with a nursing program that has mostly average students in their program. If a highly competitive university doesn’t have a much higher pass rate than Southern Swampgas State College, then something is very wrong.</p>

<p>I don’t think you could go wrong with either Pitt or CW. Are they comparable in price?</p>

<p>Although D attends neither, we really felt that Pitt Nursing, the campus vibe and the neighborhood and city, and the responsiveness of Nursing Faculty and Administration were better at Pitt. The program at Pitt receives better NIH funding, and D felt that students from Pitt were amazingly bright and focused, both during our visits pre Fr year and during her experience at SNAP convention in Harrisburg.</p>

<p>My D applied to 5 schools, all early action and was accepted by all 5. Since she was accepted to her top 3 choices she did not apply to other schools on her list.</p>

<p>Her top three were Case, Pitt and Northeastern. Pitt was her first choice by a narrow margin and Case was a close second choice. She liked the city vibe at Pitt and was impressed with the nursing school facilities. She also liked Case’s University Circle area and liked the idea of doing clinicals the first semester. </p>

<p>Well, move forward a few months and she received merit for every school except Pitt. So now, we are leaning heavily toward Case. Since we are OOS, Pitt’s COA will be around 45-48K. The merit from Case makes it the most cost effective choice for us.</p>

<p>My daughter applied to 8 SONs and was accepted by 7. 6 of the 7 offered FA. Pitt did not. When it was time for her to finally decide which school to attend it came down to Case and Pitt. Considering we lived outside of Pittsburgh and my wife is a Pitt nursing Alum, my daughter chose Pitt. Pitt has a great nursing program but then so does Case. You really can’t go wrong with either.</p>

<p>I will agree that Case does treat it’s applicants very well. They certainly were very nice to us. That said, Pitt’s access to nearby (walking distance) medical facilities are every bit as outstanding as Case. I also prefer the neighborhoods that Pitt and it’s hospitals are located. They seem safer. </p>

<p>One thing to consider: the communications/customer service issues that many have experienced with Pitt pre-admissions does NOT go away. My daughter will be graduating in May 2014 and it’s been an on-going issue. It’s been my experience that you can’t expect an individual or company (such as a college) to treat you any better than they do BEFORE they receive your money. Good luck with your decisions!</p>

<p>My D is deciding between Case, Pitt and Villanova. Case is the only school we did not visit but will do so the first week of April. I hear great things about University Circle but leary of the neighborhood surrounding Case. </p>

<p>@ aglages I’ve been to Pittsburgh and was fine with the neighborhood, what about the neighborhood at Case you didn’t care for?</p>

<p>@washdcmom happy to hear your D loved Case and was wondering what exactly she loved.</p>

<p>I lived in Cleveland for a number of years as a teenager/young adult so I am somewhat familiar with the various neighborhoods. The University Circle area of Cleveland is very nice and offers quite a few options for students/families. That said there are other areas to the NW of CWRU that I would not walk through during the day…let alone at night. If you visit, drive completely around the outside of the campus and get a feel for all the surrounding neighborhoods. Despite my opinion of the neighborhoods close to CWRU, Case was my daughters first choice until the very end of the process and then she went with Pitt. </p>

<p>Hi Murphy1008, I think I mentioned a few things but I think the one influence was that we showed up unannounced, had not even applied, much less been accepted and one of the Nursing school staff gave us an extended tour including to parts of Children’s Hospital and the other hospitals connected via the underground. He also answered our barrage of questions. The fact that CASE starts clinicals almost immediately is a big factor for her. And frankly she received a good scholarship from Bolton. They’ve stayed in touch and answered all her questions. It will be a bit of a stretch for us in the end but yes, doable. I doubt Pitt—like in the case of Aglages’ daughter–is going to give us any true aid, which is disappointing after being accepted in September. She has also received very impressive merit aid from Marquette, Duquesne and Marymount and we have not even received their financial packages yet. We are still waiting to hear from a few others but that’s where it stands currently. Pitt, Case and Villanova (Accepted) were always among her top choices. </p>

<p>Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences! I chose it because of their online RN to BSN program and their high job placement percentage. Feeling excited and nervous.</p>

My D2 has decided to attend University of Virginia UVA ( a direct admit nursing program)</p>

<p>We have looked at the curriculum & we think it will be a good fit for her.
Our D1 goes to UVA ( another major ) but we don’t know anyone who study nursing there & we have never really drive over to the hospital / nursing part of the college. </p>

<p>We went to the info session back in November & that was the first time we have seen the nursing building. The UVA hospital is right across the street from the classroom building.
Everyone seems very nice at the info session. The nursing classroom building is really nice & fairly new. Last year they had aprx 68- 70 first year nursing students ( ??? , I know I don’t have an exact # ).
If anyone has any " tips / what we need to know " please share with us, thanks so much.</p>

<p>Congrats to FlowerMom’s daughter. I understand an incredibly high percentage of students accepted to UVa’s nursing program decide to attend there. I have a son currently at UVa (although not for nursing).</p>