Where can I apply?

<p>lol.......ya.......but the point Lakshya M depictd here is an outstanding example.......</p>

<p>i wonder how the admission officers might look into it...i mean the actual scores and ranges....coz sometimes it can range from good to excellent....</p>

<p>lol...........adm officers do not look at SAT alone...!!.......so,that possibilty is evicted..</p>

<p>well yes..but taking into consideration the earlier case...the SAT ranged from 2100 to 2300...now if u consider the ivies...2100 is good but 2300 in more than handful...so in that case which might they conisder???</p>

<p>well,u r talkin bout a very-very perticular case..that will only occur when there are 2 applicants,one with 2100 n the other with 2300,both hav got SAME stats in HS.......equivalent ECs recs.......both hav an equivalently good essay...good recommendations...........etc...ONLY then,the second one will b givn priority......so,its a very-very exceptional case......</p>

<p>but....it's a wonder...what'll the admisssion officers look at application....u never know..</p>

<p>lol(10)..............hehe,thats the only creepy thing in our lives(for now!!),if we were to know wat the adm officer will look at then,we wont hav come here at CC...............lol...........</p>

<p>lol...it leads to a conclusion that everything in CC is a rough 'guesswork' only....</p>

<p>ya...........very true.....infact it is the most zenithest point.............very exceptionally,we get to know bout the REAL truth....lol.......</p>