Where could i transfer ? help please :)

<p>Hey, I want to transfer, and have already applied to a school for the spring 09 term, however, if i am declined, i am going to go for the fall 09 tranfer to some schools.. the problem is, im an international student(currently going to school in the us) so i dont really know that much about what schools want what etc.</p>

<p>I was hoping, that maybe if i post my stats here, you guys could help me figure out what kind of school i should apply for and which school are match/reach etc.. </p>

<p>basically, this is me:</p>

<p>My stats are:
~3.85 College GPA after 2 semesters/27 credits, think it will be around the same after this semester in which im taking 15 so ill be up at 42 when applying, and will have another 15 = 57 by the time of transfer. My guess/hope is that my gpa will stay around the same, might be a slight change up or down, but hoping for up, ofcourse.</p>

<p>I have n 'A' average HS GPA from Sweden where I am from.</p>

<p>I have NOT taken the SATs/ACTs, which i know might be a problem for some schools, but i know that others dont require you to take that once uve done a certain amount of credits.</p>

<p>I am an international student(from sweden) but I currently go to Hawaii Pacific University. My parents are also from India so I believe my different cultural backgrounds will help for diversity etc.
speak 3 languages fluently.
have traveled A LOT, seen every country in europe, been to asia several times, and seen a lot of US..</p>

<p>Financial aid NOT needed</p>

<p>Dean's List 3 semesters at current university</p>

<p>A bit of community service, 4 hours/week</p>

<p>Worked last summer at a home for patients with mental retardation, taking care of them etc.</p>

<p>I think one of the strongest parts is my athletic past which I will include in the essays, either small ones or additional information/EC's</p>

<p>I have played soccer for about 15 years(I'm 19) in Sweden, and there I was offered positions in some of Swedens best private clubs but I had to decline due to moving to the US for 2 years, and I also had a few other offers once I got to the US with teams for boys that were 2 years older than me.
I was also chosen to play for the stockholm team and was a candidate to be able to play for the Swedish Junior National Team but had to back out due to a knee injury which lasted until this summer when i had surgery..
I also played a lot of Tennis in which ive also won many tournaments for example 2 Junior Division tournaments in Dallas as well as getting 2 Best Effort Awards, and a stockholm regional tournament in Sweden where I placed 2nd and others.
+ lots of other sports like snowboarding and surfing + more</p>

<p>I only have 1 recommendation at the moment, but can get a few more, the one i have is very good, and i can get at least 2 very good ones, and probably 1 or 2 pretty good ones..</p>

<p>basically, i think that some of the things that set me apart are my nationality etc for diversity
my athletics
and i will add some EC's, thinking of some things that will be good and that interest me :)</p>

<p>so what do you guys think?
any responses are appreciated!</p>

<p>what major is in ur mind?</p>

<p>im a pre-med / bio major, aiming for medical school :)</p>

<p>Your strength: 1. diversity/background
2. soccer and tennis
3. dont need FA
Your weakness: 1. lack of SAT score
2. average work load in college
3. relatively weak ecs related to your major</p>

<p>Try to make urself stand out by boosting ur unique things. </p>

<p>Here are suggestions for schools: </p>

<p>Reach: Cornell, Emory, Northwestern
Match: Umich, UNC-CH, University of Rochester
Safety: U Maryland-College Park</p>

<p>Hope this helps</p>



<p>If so, you should really elaborate on working with patients with mental retardation, which is one of the best pre-med ECs.</p>

<p>Med schools are looking for applicants who are passionate about “healing” people. Working with patients with mental retardation shows that you love providing people with care and that you are not afraid of hard work. Cannot say the same about athletcis.</p>

<p>ok thanks guys :slight_smile:
ill work on writing more about working with them :)</p>

<p>also, what would you say about these schools(safety/match/reach/dont know:P):</p>

USC(southern california)
UC berkeley
boston college
notre dame
wake forest
penn state
university of florida

<p>also, would you have any tips on what kind of EC’s i should get into for my major ? i was thinking about interning/volunteering at some hospital or taking part in some kind of research, anything else?</p>

<p>The best majors for med school are bio, molecular/cell bio, microbio, and biochem. Don’t say on your UG app that you’re planning to apply to med school though. In terms of ECs, split evenly between research and primary care activities.</p>

<p>ok yea, im bio atm, cuz my school dropped the premed major(stupid…)
ok cool :slight_smile: thanks man :)</p>

<p>bump :slight_smile:
anyone else got any suggestions or that could chance me at those schools i listed?</p>



<p>No, the best major is one you like. Statistics show no differences in med school acceptance due to major, including non-science majors.</p>

<p>The UCs are going to be very difficult for an OOS Intl. student. Other than that, in general it’s very difficult to judge admissions as very little is known about transfer rates for Intl students.</p>



<p>You can perpetuate myths all you want, but it will not make them true. If you don’t like biology and chemistry and physics, and all other subject you have to study for med school, you might as well rethink becoming a doctor. And if you plan to go to med school, you might as well make you life easier and major in one of the subjects you will actually need.</p>

<p>well basically, to attend med school, you only need to take specific courses, like bio 1and2, chem 1and2 calc 1and2 or something like that… </p>

<p>so it is true that you can get into med school even if u arent a science major, and it has become more common for that to happen over the last years, but yea, taking courses that u can use in med school is profitable for you since it will make life a lot easier for you :)</p>

<p>Medical Schools look for diversity among student population.</p>

<p>well ok not to be unthankful or rude, but that was not exactly my questions at all… i already know what med schools want, they want well rounded people that show academic potential and seem like they could become good doctors which they will determine after an interview… they also want cultural diversity and well rounded classes… </p>

<p>however, my question was about my transferring to any of the schools i listed, or something like ronaldo1988 wrote…</p>

<p>if anyone could give me some input, that would be great :slight_smile:
thanks :)</p>

<p>I was hoping my last post would be beneficial to someone else as well…
If its transfer schools you want that could lead you to medical school look into the top tier schools in the UC system eg. Berkley UCLA maybe even USC. They should all be within your reach but as an international… So in regards to school choices, your right on the money.</p>

<p>NYU: match
USC: safety
UCB/UCLA: match/ low reach (i guess the rate for int’l is like 1/6 something)
UCSB/UCSD: safety
BC: maybe a reach
ND: match/ safety
Vander: match/safety
Penn state: safety
UF: safety
Wake Forest/ Tufts: don’t know a lot about their admission stats…</p>

<p>good luck!</p>



<p>I guess I just prefer to get my information from current med students (on the Pre-med Topics forum) and statistical data. </p>

<p>Please try to calm down and realize that people go into medicine for many different reasons. A student may major in a non-science field, still like science and still be interested in medicine. And there is much a doctor does that is beyond the realm of just science (eg. dealing with people, public health, etc.).</p>

<p>oh ok wow that sounds great :slight_smile: was actually a lot better than i had even hoped for :slight_smile:
i guess the UC’s are out of the question though since i just saw that their application deadline was november 30, for the following fall, which is like 10 months in advance? :S</p>

<p>def gonna try for USC, BC, ND, NYU, Vander and Penn… :slight_smile: gonna start looking at what they need etc :)</p>

<p>thanks a lot guys :slight_smile: and if anyone else has suggestions as well, please feel free to post, id love to see more opinions:)</p>