I am a third year undergraduate from one of those top private colleges of India.A Mechanical Engineering student to be precise.I have a CGPA of 9.43/10.I will rocket it up to,say 9.6.I am yet to take my GRE.
The expected score would be 330,(165-165).And in the AW section I hope 5 is a possibility.I am member at IEEE.
2 internships in hand and I may get involved in another one too.(All from multinational core companies)
Great SOP’s,good recommendation letters from professors with Ph.Ds from IITs.
I know that I still have some time.I want to know where I stand.If possible I would like to make myself better.
What are my chances to get into Mechanical engineering program of MIT,Stanford,UCB,Georgia Tech?
Where else can I apply?Is there anything else I can or rather I should do?
You fail to mention the degree you are seeking. Is is a PhD or an MS? The answer you give will make a big difference on what your chances are at these highly selective schools. Realize that all these programs are no safety for anyone. They just too many outstanding applicants. This also means that no one can accurately give you “chances” of admission to these programs.
As a rule of thumb, the admission standards for M.S. are less stringent than for PhD but they expect you to self-fund the degree. Unfortunately, despite the issues with the GRE, it is the only measure that schools have to make an initial cut on their large applicant pool.
Alright.I seek the MS program. Just tell me what else should I do?Any how UCB doesn’t give financial aids to Indians. So ik now I will be forced to pay it all full.
If you want an M.S. with Thesis, then you need to get some significant research experience (internships won’t really help too much). If you are seeking a professional Masters, then your internships can be helpful.
A 165/165 will give you a shot at being considered but there are no guarantees since, as I said, these programs are highly selective. There are plenty of good engineering schools where you can get a solid M.S. or professional Masters. Among them, you can look at the [url="<a href=“http://theaitu.org%22%5DAITU%5B/url”>http://theaitu.org"]AITU[/url] schools and other major public universities (UIUC, Purdue, Michigan, and so on).
Sure.I will apply for university of Michigan too. Do I stand a chance in the other UCs?
I didn’t know Purdue had a good mechanical engineering program.
My brother is just in his 1st year of integration in the same course as me. Say, he gets the same grades and scores as me. What else can he do?
Not sure what you mean? Same qualifications same options…
Hmm.Simply put,what do all these universities expect?
And does internships from ISRO count. Moreover I am trying to get into the professional masters program. And about the other UCs. What are my chances there?
My last comment was with regards to your question about your brother. I don’t see how his situation will be any different than yours.
For a professional Masters, most programs are looking for high academic qualifications and GRE scores. In highly selective programs, they do not admit all qualified students but they calculate the size of the class they want to enroll and figure the yield rate to make decisions on how many applicants to admit. Once they have that number, the rest is just rank ordering the applicants. I am sure that some programs scrutinize the entire application and others simply rank by academics and GRE. Departments put a lot more effort into selecting their Ph.D. admits for the most part.
If you have strong grades and GRE scores, you stand a decent chance at the highly selective schools. However, as I have said above, none of them is a sure thing. There is nothing you can do to make sure you will be admitted either since the quality of the applications at these schools tends to be quite high. Make sure you have a safety in hand.
Thank you. Can you tell me some safety colleges with awesome mechanical engineering programs?
There are a lot of them. If you start by making some choices about location (urban or college town), region and then start looking at the specific specializations of the faculty, you can certainly find a number of good options. Probably some of the less selective [url="<a href=“http://theaitu.org%22%5DAITU%5B/url”>http://theaitu.org"]AITU[/url] schools would fit the bill.
Thank you. How good are UCLA and UCSB for mechanical engineering?
Most UC schools are solid.
Neither of them is a safety if that is what you mean… Chances in graduate school are not terribly easy to judge.
I am also submitting research papers.Maybe 2 or 3. How much will that add up to my resume?
All that helps. You just need to apply and see. Trying to ensure admission is not really possible.