Where Do I STAND???????

I have an undergraduate degree in Electronics and communication from Visvesvaraya Technological University(India).I got an aggregate 75% in engineering(until now...I still have 1 semester to go). My GRE score is 1500.
Apart from this, I have completed a dissertation program at the National Institute Of Oceanography,Goa where I was able to work on RADARs for mapping the ocean currents in the indian ocean.
I also have a Summer research fellowship from the Indian Institute Of sciences where I worked on VLSI design of Op amps.
I have completed a project on automobile automation (on ABS) in my 5th semester.
I am doing my final year project at the Defence Research and development organisation where I worked on the guidance of heat seeking missiles.
I have held 2 seminars and 4 lectures.
I have participated in various regional and national level robotics competitions.
I have written 5 research papers and have 3 publications.
I have developed an application for Android and widgets for Opera.
During my school days I have represented my school in the national level swimming meet.
I have a brown belt in Karate.
What are my chances to get into a good grad school are concerned???
I will be needing financial assistance as well...
Well..I am not sure as to what league of colleges to shortlist,as I do not know the level of preparation of the other students trying to get into grad school!
Please help me out...If possible please recommend the names of a few universities as well...
If I am not well prepared yet..please tell me as to what I should work on so that I stand a chance in a good university.
Thanks in advance!!</p>

<p>forgot to mention this...4 of my professors have agreed to give strong letters of recommendations..</p>

<p>You should probably try asking those professors where you should try to apply. They’ve probably had students before in similar situations to your own and can give more guidance than most people here on the forum (since most of us are from the US).</p>

<p>We’re not going to be able to tell you, since most of us aren’t going to be skilled in equivalency between Indian and U.S. diplomas (assuming you want to go to grad school in the U.S., since you didn’t specify); you didn’t say whether you wanted a PhD or an MS nor did you even say what program you were interested in. You’d probably be competitive for an electronics engineering program; not so much in history of science or something. I know I’m exaggerating, but you need to specify your subfield interests and research interests.</p>

<p>But like RacinReaver said, the best way to do this is to ask professors from your undergrad university or to communicate with professors with whom you are interested in working. They are in your field and will know better than anyone here what your ‘chances’ are - although they won’t be able to give you any numerical account because that depends on the application pool for the particular year and other factors.</p>