I have an undergraduate degree in Electronics and communication from Visvesvaraya Technological University(India).I got an aggregate 75% in engineering(until now...I still have 1 semester to go). My GRE score is 1500.
Apart from this, I have completed a dissertation program at the National Institute Of Oceanography,Goa where I was able to work on RADARs for mapping the ocean currents in the indian ocean.
I also have a Summer research fellowship from the Indian Institute Of sciences where I worked on VLSI design of Op amps.
I have completed a project on automobile automation (on ABS) in my 5th semester.
I am doing my final year project at the Defence Research and development organisation where I worked on the guidance of heat seeking missiles.
I have held 2 seminars and 4 lectures.
I have participated in various regional and national level robotics competitions.
I have written 5 research papers and have 3 publications.
I have developed an application for Android and widgets for Opera.
During my school days I have represented my school in the national level swimming meet.
I have a brown belt in Karate.
What are my chances to get into a good grad school are concerned???
I will be needing financial assistance as well...
Well..I am not sure as to what league of colleges to shortlist,as I do not know the level of preparation of the other students trying to get into grad school!
Please help me out...If possible please recommend the names of a few universities as well...
If I am not well prepared yet..please tell me as to what I should work on so that I stand a chance in a good university.
Thanks in advance!!</p>
<p>forgot to mention this...4 of my professors have agreed to give strong letters of recommendations..</p>