Where do students go during winter break?

<p>I noticed that the residence halls would be closed for almost a month. Where do students go other than home (especially OOS)? Also do they make us remove our belongings and return it on January? </p>

<p>You do not need to move your belongings out of the dorms during the break (Finals end December 12, 2014 and Classes resume January 7, 2015). </p>

<p>As to where students go, I would think most students (OOS or not) go home since it is such a long break.</p>

<p>Most go home. You leave most of your things in the dorms during breaks. You can ask or peruse the web site and see if there are any stay on campus option. Some schools, like one of my sons’, did leave a dorm open and allow kids (mostly internationals) to stay there for certain school breaks. Limited availability and extra charge for this, but it was an offered option. The school had a sizeable international group of students which is why this might have been offered. They also offered pairing up of those who needed a place with volunteers who would take students for such holidays.</p>

<p>My kids came home and worked as did their cousins.</p>

<p>UA doesn’t charge for housing in the residence halls which stay open during the breaks provided one is already assigned to that residence hall. There used to be an option to live in break housing in a residence hall which had some excess capacity, but that is no longer the case as UA’s residence halls operate at nearly full capacity.</p>

<p>Students leave their belongings in their rooms, but take anything of significant value or that they might need during the break.</p>

<p>Most students, including many international students, go home or go on vacation during school breaks. </p>

<p>@honors2regular‌ – what part of the country are you from? Maybe you can hitch a ride with someone heading back to your area over break. There really are students from all over the country (and beyond) headed to UA this fall. I keep meeting folks who know someone from my area going. I would think ride-sharing will be in big demand.</p>

<p>@honors2regular‌ I just remembered you’re coming from a US territory, so “hitching a ride home” is not likely to work! :wink: I would call these folks and see if they can help allay your concerns: <a href=“International Admissions – Admissions”>http://gobama.ua.edu/international/student-life/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>BTW, I’m pretty sure I saw on the FB parents page that a couple of students are coming to UA from the Mariana Islands, so I’d be curious what they have planned for winter break. Maybe they can offer you some advice. If you PM me, I can try to put you in touch with their moms.</p>

<p>@honors2regular – Many upper classmen are off campus and may sub-let or permit you to stay in their apt/house over break. There is a Facebook University of Alabama Roommate search page that you can post on. Once you get on campus and get involved in some activities you will also meet upper classmen.</p>

<p>@Lucie Yes I come from a U.S. Territory. I regret posting this in an earlier forum. I try to stay anonymous on this forum because I am afraid of being identified. </p>

<p>@Longhaul How much do some of these upper classman sub-lease for? Travelling home will cost 2000…</p>

<p>You might also check a VRBO - either in Tuscaloosa or at a vacation spot. And you might make friends on campus whose family might host you during the closed campus weeks.</p>

<p>Contact the school’s int’l student coordinator/director/dean and ask what options are available for int’l students. </p>

<p>@honors2regular - You may find some students would not charge you at all for staying over break. Some folks would be happy just to have the place occupied if they are concerned about security break-ins. I’d advise to join some activities and make friends with upper classmen. From there, you can network to ask if anyone has anything available. As a last effort, I would use Facebook. So many out of state kids go home and so many of the apartments have private bedroom and bath that I can’t imagine you having an issue to find something.</p>

<p>Thanks I will contact the int’l department. Thank you for all the replies. </p>