<p>This is from another thread that got 0 responses...
<p>Here are my stats:
High School: dubbed "Model School" by Time Magazine, consistently ranks as one of the top schools in the nation-downside to this is there are a ton of well to do geeks/legacies who will be applying to all of the same schools
SAT 1: 1540 (800M/740V) also took it in 6th grade for placement in an advanced program and scored a clean 1000
SAT II: 800 Math 2C, 790 Chem, sry don't remember the others off of the top of my head
GPA: 5.027 weighted (through junior year) 3.75 unweighted-more on this later
Rank: we do not have specific ranks, only the decile system...so top 10%</p>
<p>AP Scores:
Calc BC 5
Chem 5
English 5
US History 4
taking this year: Physics C(both tests), English, Economics (Macro and Micro), Spanish, and MV Calculus/Linear Algebra (not an AP class because it is not a high school class, but it is really advanced so I thought I should include it)</p>
<p>I have never taken anything below Honors level, which, I think, explains a relatively low GPA. During my sophomore year I took an early bird Honors Chem class, and then took Honors Bio during the day (Math & Sci are my passions). As I said before, I took the SAT 1 in 6th grade and scored well enough to qualify to take math at the high school during 7th and 8th grades.</p>
<p>As for ECs and awards:
I am a nationally ranked junior golfer. I would place myself in the top 4 or 5 in the state. My coach played for the Stanford Cardinal. I have won a number of tournaments in my state league, as well as a few national tourneys (although not at the premier summer league, I did on the main offseason tour). My awards for this are: all conference, all state, all academic, all american, best in area (newspapers), scholar athlete...
Student Tutor Board
Student Alliance Board (not our student council, but we run the show behind the scenes)
Pres of a club that makes random field trips to see different people (such as a ghost buster, a ninja, a shaman)
National Honor Society
National Merit Semi Finalist
Honor Roll AMC every year
AP Scholar with Distinction (will be National AP Scholar once I take this year's tests)
Tons of community service (as does everyone else...) but one interesting sidenote is I "worked" (through my golf academy) with (mentally) handicapped children and helped them play golf-this program got a lot of recognition throughout the state.
I have played guitar for 9 years (in bands that have performed in Talent Shows and Battle of the Bands, just fun stuff not really serious)
Illinois State Scholar
Who's Who Among High Schoolers
Letter of High Scholarship-Physics (completely irrelevant award...)
Outstanding Achievement Illinois Junior Academy of Science (IJAS) Fair
Temple Youth Group & Social Service Club
Nominated for and participated in a student leadership program 3 days a week during my lunch period
I have worked as a caddie for the past 6 summers (pretty extensive eh?)
I worked with the NU chem dept as a lab assistant
for golf fans: I was the junior boys player of the year, after playing golf for 18 months (!) I broke par and won our conference championship</p>
<p>Other stuff:
My uncle went to Princeton.
I have some pretty good connections with Brown.
I live 10 minutes from Northwestern.</p>
<p>I see myself becoming a doctor of some sort.
The school must have a golf team.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>