<p>paid work, or volunteer activities for this summer?</p>
<p>Mine has a cool one that she got by stalking the website of the cultural institution of her dreams. Turns out if you look carefully, there are a bunch, but you’ve got to apply promptly.</p>
<p>i ran a bunch of searches here on cc using things like high school internship, read through the high school posts, summer programs posts etc and found a bunch of them, then googled the actual internships and found 3 really good ones for my son. he has applied for them, one is looking quite promising, he has made it through the initial selection, another application is sitting waiting for a final recommendation letter. i looked at some summer programs at universities but not willing to pay out the money some of those cost. all three are paid internships in sciences</p>
<p>thanks zoosermom and parent56 for the tips.
Is my D still on time to find an intership for this summer or is she late for this process?</p>
<p>Start looking right now. Some things are closed but some are not.</p>
<p>what grade is she in and what interests does she have?. maybe if too late for some this year, you would have a headstart on next year.
my son did volunteering at local hospital last summer, and shadowed a few doctors in their offices.</p>
<p>also look at Habitat for Humanity may be a possiblity, maybe check some senior citizens centers, or nursing homes ie could read to patients, or play instrument to entertain them. if she is interested in science there is a website called sciencebuddies.com (helps other students with science), see if any teachers in lower grades would let her be a homework helper in after school program or maybe she could tutor some students over the summer.</p>
<p>Congressman/woman’s office</p>
<p>does your state have a governors school? usually not that expensive… and is supposed to be quite a good program and have heard it will look good on an application to college.
it is for rising seniors here is the link for the alabama one to give you an idea
[Alabama</a> Governor’s School, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama](<a href=“http://www.samford.edu/ags/]Alabama”>404 Page Not Found)</p>
<p>thanks parent56 and teamam. parent56, I’m going to google and see if there is something similar in our state. It seems like a great summer experience.</p>
<p>Sometimes you just have to ask. Our senior center is always happy to have help, though they don’t advertise it. Our high school also has listings.</p>
<p>Friends and families. I wouldn’t be shy about asking friends, or your kid’s friends’ parents, for a job. I think it’s going to be harder this year to get a summer job.</p>
<p>Any ideas about some kind of job (paying or volunteer) for somebody who wants to work with kids? There must be a bunch out there since kids are out of school…</p>
<p>Check you community. Ours has a daycare for homeless children that always has room for volunteers, Weed and Seed Programs, domestic shelters (office work mostly) city recreation programs, Big Brothers/Sisters, sports programs (junior coaches), other private business. Have your kid put together a “resume” of their best traits (academics, sports, music, science, etc) to give to business friends. Check business listings of your local chamber of commerce. Many will accept volunteers unless there is a liability issue.</p>
<p>mom here’s another possible, and every state has one. girls state is through the american legion… [The</a> American Legion Auxiliary: Girls Nation](<a href=“http://girlsnation-auxiliary.com/girlsstate.asp]The”>http://girlsnation-auxiliary.com/girlsstate.asp)</p>
<p>again not an internship but a good experience</p>
<p>It’s not always easy to work with kids because of the child protection laws and regulations.</p>
<p>Check with your city parks and recreation department, YMCA, etc. if they need volunteers to help with their day camp activities. Some have a dedicated volunteer coordinator. Also check [VolunteerMatch</a> - Where Volunteering Begins](<a href=“http://www.volunteermatch.org/]VolunteerMatch”>http://www.volunteermatch.org/) for local listings.</p>
<p>our ds always was a life guard with his hs friends at the lake down the street and had great summers at very good pay. He did take a week off to go on our church’s sr hi mission project. The Red Cross life guard certification is a good one to get because many swimming facilities have a hard time finding enough life guards. As a result the pay is almost always significant better than min wage.</p>
<p>Here is an awesome link for internships for all sort of situations:</p>
<p>[Co-ops/Internships</a> on the Web](<a href=“Co-ops/Internships on the Web”>Co-ops/Internships on the Web)</p>
<p>Since this is HS, approach it more like a volunteer situation. Most companies don’t have official HS internship positions but as long as your D demonstrates professionalism, responsibility and passion - there are many companies willing to take on a “volunteer” (think unpaid intern). </p>
<p>The end result is great for your college app, may result in a few reference letters and who knows, maybe the summer will even be fun!</p>
<p>Be proactive, don’t be afraid to just “cold call” and ask.</p>