<p>Congra to class of 2012!</p>
<p>Where else did applied/accepted?</p>
<p>Are you in-state or out?</p>
<p>Congra to class of 2012!</p>
<p>Where else did applied/accepted?</p>
<p>Are you in-state or out?</p>
<p>OOS (Colorado For The Win!)</p>
<p>Accepted: University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana, University of Colorado-Boulder, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Colorado School of Mines</p>
<p>Rejected: MIT</p>
<p>Who knows?: Harvey Mudd College (probably rejected though)</p>
<p>Still don't know where I'm going...UVA is my current top choice, but I seem to change that about every three weeks :/</p>
<p>Out of State</p>
<p>Accepted: UVa, UNC-Chapel Hill, Penn State, Pitt
Rejected: Duke
Yet to Hear: Princeton (likely rejected)</p>
<p>I love UVa, but I'm from the Pittsburgh area, I love my city, and Pitt is offering to pay my tuition, so I'm in a bit of a conundrum.</p>
<p>OOS (CA)</p>
<p>Accepted: UVA, UCLA, UC Berkeley, U-Michigan, U-Washington, U-Wisconsin
Pending: Notre Dame</p>
<p>I'm REALLY hoping to get into ND. If I don't, I'll probably be attending UVA in the fall (unless I get the alumni scholarship from UCLA).</p>
<p>Congrats and good luck to all!</p>
<p>In State</p>
<p>Accpted: UVA, Virginia Tech, Howard, Miami-Ohio
Yet to Hear: U of M (was deferred)</p>
<p>UVA is my top choice even though I have scholarships to all the other places,
I have not made my choice yet though</p>
<p>In state.</p>
<p>JHU (top choice...)
Claremont McKenna College</p>
<p>Really torn between UVA and Richmond.</p>
<p>I actually got into HMC...now I have no idea where I'm going! I'm one of those people that takes 20 minutes to decide what to order off a menu, how am I supposed to choose where to go to college???</p>
<p>Location: SW PA (OOS)
Accepted: UVA, Pitt
Waitlisted: CMU, Cornell, Georgetown
Rejected: Dartmouth (after ED deferral)
Still Waiting: William & Mary (though I'd much rather go to UVA)</p>
<p>I feel as if UVA may be it. CMU is 20 minutes from my house, plus ridiculously expensive and notoriously stingy on financial aid, so I don't plan on going on the waitlist. Cornell is really quite similar to UVA for my intended major (business, maybe...actually, UVA is better) plus at UVA I'd start out in CAS which would be nice, seeing that I'm not 100% sure I want to go into business...though I'm pretty sure. Also at Cornell I would have to take biology for my business major which would suck. Georgetown I'm not sure about, but I didn't really visit it and I added it to my list as sort of an afterthought. Plus it would be really pricey and seems similar to Penn, a school which I was not the least bit excited about. But...we'll see! (But it looks like UVA!)</p>
<p>Location: NoVA
Accepted: Virginia Tech, UVa, Johns Hopkins
Waitlisted: Duke
Rejected: UPenn (deferred ED, then rejected)</p>
<p>I only applied to 5 schools and most people that I know were like wha?! but I had my safety (VT), my pretty sure (UVa) and my reaches (Duke, JHU, Penn). I will be attending UVa in the coming fall because there's no way in hell I'm paying 50+k for 4 years just for an undergrad degree. I need to pay for med school. Besides, I won't feel as bad asking my parents for money for spending money. ;)</p>
<p>I chose UVA over ND and I am so happy that I did. I visited both schools overnight and had a slightly better visit at ND, but in the end, UVA is a much better place overall. </p>
<p>College is a time when you should be exploring intellectual fields without religious demands. At ND, there is a chapel in every dorm and everyone is aware of who attends mass and who does not.</p>
<p>Further, it is DAMN cold. I am very much a fan of the temperate VA weather and I would have been miserable in that environment.</p>
<p>Parietals are also ridiculous. This is college. I am an adult, so I like to be treated as one. I don't need arbitrary rules about what I can and cannot do. I cannot tell you how many late night discussions I had with guy FRIENDS in dorms last year til four AM in our rooms. It was so much fun, so intellectually stimulating, and it is what college is all about. I don't need to be told who I can see when and in which situations. </p>
<p>I just wanted to throw it out there that I would have severely regretted going to ND, even though it seems so cool. (trust me, i understand the appeal - the traditions, the football, and apparent love among all the students.) But it seems to me that we have all of that, without the crap.</p>
<p>Accepted: UVA, Middlebury, Bowdoin, Northwestern
Waitlisted: Princeton, Penn
Rejected: Three Other Ivies</p>
<p>Will go to Middlebury or Northwestern unless Princeton happens.</p>
<p>Accepted: UVa, UMCP, Purdue, Rutgers
Waitlist: UMich
Rejected: Columbia</p>
<p>I'm going to UVa...for sure! :)</p>
<p>Accepted: U of I, Michigan, Notre Dame,UVa,Purdue
Waitlisted: NYU
Rejected: Cornell University and Northwestern</p>
<p>I'm out of state and choosing between UVa and Notre Dame.</p>
<p>International student</p>
<p>Accepted: UVa, Berkeley (pending 'cos one of the subjects I took was a D.. sigh), Carnegie Mellon, UIUC
Waitlisted: UMich
Rejected: Cornell ED</p>
<p>Can't decide between UVa, Berkeley, and Carnegie Mellon!! Help!! UVA's the friendliest among all, no question about that. But I'm just worried about its reputation overseas... (I'm talking about South East Asia)</p>
<p>I picked UVA with Echols over William and Mary with Monroe Scholars. As you can tell, I'm from Virginia.</p>
<p>lisieux, there are so many great schools in the US that it becomes difficult for employers overseas to recognize them all. Many of my friends who are international students return to Singapore and Hong Kong to work for big i-banks and prestigious firms. Do you have any idea what you might want to study in college? </p>
<p>UVA is pretty strong in all the fields they offer. If you're considering business, then there's no question you should come to UVA; McIntire has been ranked #2 by BusinessWeek behind Wharton for two years now. Because of McIntire's extraordinary program, the biggest banks and firms come here throughout the year to recruit UVA students. Econ students here, however, also land themselves a job at these firms. Along with UPenn, UVA is always a target school for prestigious banks and top consulting firms.</p>
<p>In state.</p>
<p>Accepted: University of Mary Washington, University of Richmond, UVA
Waitlisted: Harvard, Swarthmore
Rejected: Princeton, Yale</p>
<p>I dropped off the Swarthmore list and stayed on the Harvard list, but just for kicks. I kinda want Harvard to accept me, just so I can tell them "No thanks, I'd rather go to UVA!"</p>
<p>Im from SE VA
Accepted: UVa, Virginia Tech, VCU, Clemson, Penn State, U Maryland, U Pitt, ODU
Denied: Johns Hopkins University</p>
<p>I never sent a mid year to JHU so that was probably the reason I was denied. I chose so many schools to apply to because I was really indecisive but I narrowed it down to Pitt, PSU, Maryland, and UVA and decided to be a Wahoo!! Maryland would have been my choice because I loved the campus and the Eng program but it is muy muy muy expensive so I chose UVA. BUT I am so glad I did choose UVA because it is an amazing campus and the people there are amazing as well! Wahoowa!</p>