where r the dang Chicago decisions

<p>I'm hoping they have all the decisions ready and that they just need to "push the button". That might make early morning a possibility. But yeah, a more conservative estimate would be by the end of the business day Friday.</p>

nervous as hell! If UC doesn't take me, think I'll pass out- so basically we shud expect it in our e- ail box on the 28th?


<p>Yup. But your question makes me think you haven't seen the blog.</p>

<p>Just in case, here's the</a> link.</p>

<p>oops! hadn't seen the blog but thanks!</p>

<p>Don't know how I'm gonna go thru today---tick, tick, tick</p>

<p>"God please spare me more rejection!"
-Ben Folds</p>

<p>Does anyone know how long after our decisions it will be before we receive our award letters?</p>

<p>It should be with the decision with all this time. :-/</p>

<p>"God please spare me more rejection!" :D</p>

<p>It's Friday In Eleven Minutes.</p>

<p>so..............are they up?</p>

<p>I spoke to the chicago admissions office today, and they wouldn't tell me anything concretely but alluded to the emails going out Friday afternoon. Yes, I asked her if they were being sent at like 12:02 friday morning, and she laughed at me. So i doubt we will get anything now-ish</p>

<p>You guys should do something to occupy your time. Tie shoelaces, ride a bike, obtain an orgasm, or just play chess!</p>

<p>I plan to do all of the above, though the penultimate task will be accomplished merely by consuming fignewtons and pineapple pizza.</p>

<p>(Takes a bite of pizza)</p>

<p>OH, there is an orgy in my mouth.</p>

<p>Good luck guys, I walked by the admissions office today on the way to class and I was thinking about all you Chicago hopefuls.</p>

<p>I am setting myself up for rejection.</p>

<p>awww! why cudn't they send it at twelve!!!arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! and I set my alarm!!!! bah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>You did? Why were you sleeping? :P</p>

<p>lol! Gud quest! Played soccer all evening and got unbelievably tired------------so it'll be up at like fivish?! that sucks!</p>

<p>Sup guys, I'm applying as well.</p>

<p>Well it's 2:00am in Chicago. Nothing yet.</p>

<p>It's pretty obvious that they didn't schedule the emails to go out automatically. So I guess we shouldn't expect anything until well into the work day.</p>

<p>I think I will pass out if I actually get accepted.</p>

<p>JohnM, I didn't see how old you were, wow, kudos on going back to school.</p>

<p>Yeah, if you see me at Chicago, I'll be the guy with the long white beard. :D</p>

<p>Ah, I'm pretty apprehensive about tomorrow. I'm the De Anza student, remember?!</p>