<p>Okay, so hopefully I'm posting in the right thread for this.</p>
<p>I'm just trying to get a general idea of the schools I should be looking at through my GPA and SAT scores, so anything really would help. I'm probably going to be going for an engineering or business major, or study in fields related to those, so here goes:</p>
<p>High School Junior.
GPA: 3.83 weighted, probably around 3.7 unweighted
SAT I: 720 Math, 800 Reading, 800 Writing
SAT II Math IIC: 800
And let's assume that I were to get 780s on Chem and Physics.</p>
<p>Taken all AP courses available at the school, and second decile.
I'm a resident of New York, and an ethnic Chinese and permanent resident of the United States. (oh, that brings up another question, is it better to apply to college as a citizen of the US or is permanent resident fine?)</p>
<p>Anyways, Cornell would be a dream of mine, but besides that, I have no idea where I should be looking at. </p>
<p>Any suggestions?
Thank you all for your time.</p>
<p>What extracurricular activities are you apart of? Those are very crucial in the college application process.</p>
<p>If you want to stay in New York state NUY will be also good option or Syracuse University. I will also recommend you Carnegie Mellon University which is great for bussines. All this school are really expencive so as a cheaper option i will recommend University of Wisconsin Madison and University Of illinois at Urbana-Champain , they far from New York but they are really great school with affordable price.</p>
<p>Currently in the Columbia Science Honors Program, starting this year.
Won medals at DECA state competition (although this is probably much less meaningful)
Had an internship at a biotech company, totaling about 500 hours of work
Had a brief internship at an IT firm, totaling 100 hours of work
Currently interning at another biotech company, probably going to carry on until summer of senior year.
And CTY, i guess, but that doesn’t really matter. And that’s all of the out of school activities I can think of. I also tutor children in the neighborhood, for what it’s worth.
In school, I’m not very active either, vice president of the current events club, member of the Japanese club, officer in Mu Alpha Theta, participant of Science Olympiad, and that’s really all I can recall right now. </p>
<p>But yeah, not exactly the most stellar of records.</p>
<p>And thanks AdiletK, money isn’t too much of an issue for me, it’s mostly passing the hurdle of getting into the school that’s got me nervous.</p>
<p>I’m also probably going to retake the sat I for a better math score, if that changes anyone’s calculations at all.</p>
<p>And thanks for your responses.</p>
<p>Well if Money is not an issue I totaly recomend you NYU and CMU both are great school for bussines. Also Try Georgetown and Nortwestern university.</p>