<p>Here are my stats. Please note that our school uses a funny GPA system -- A=4.0, B=3.0, A+=4.3, A-=3.7, and so on. We have an H=5.0 grade, only earnable in honors or AP classes, and seldom given out (1-2 per teacher/year).</p>
<p>GPA: 3.65 (frosh), 3.98 (soph), 4.13 (junior)\
SAT: 2190 (670 cr, 790 math, 730 writing) -- this was only my first try
SAT II: 800 - math level 2, 790 - physics, 720 chemistry
Classes: All honors except for Art I and Music Theory I: 17 APs, with fives on the nine that I have taken so far.
School: competitive suburban in NY
EC: debate (pretty good) 9 10 11 12
latin club 11 12
sci olympiad - "A" team 10 11 12
crew 9 10 11 12
newspaper - editor 10 11 12
comm service - 5 hrs per week 10 11 12
national latin - summa cum laude, twice
national french award in something
national ap scholar
AMC top scorer
worked doing research at college during summers of 9 and 10 grade
took several college physics and math classes on EPGY
worked junior year summer at NIH</p>