<p>I am currently a soph at a state university ranked around 100. Here are a few of my stats</p>
<p>H.S. GPA: 3.6
ACT: 28 (should I retake?)
AP: 5 Gov, 4 Stats
College G.P.A: 4.00
College Courses: Completed (43 Hours w/ AP)
Fall 2008: Precalculus, Intro Econ (200 level), Intro Poli Sci, Honors English, 1st year studies; Spring 2009: Accounting (200 level), Intermediate Macro Economics (300 level), Intermediate Micro Economics (300 level) Introduction to Fiction (200 Level), Astronomy w/ Lab; Summer 2009: Economic Development (300 level), Intro to American legal system (300 level Poli Sci)
College Courses This Year: Uncompleted (30 Hours)
Fall 2009: Business Administration w/ lab (200 level), Law and Econ (300 level Econ), Regression and Correlation Analysis (300 level Stats), Finite Math; Spring 2010: Calculus 1, Public Speaking (200 level), Latin 1+2 combined, Business Communication (200 level), Western Civ.</p>
<p>Clubs: Econ Club (Vice-Pres.), Students in Free Enterprise, Omicron Delta Epsilon (Econ Honor society), Local Track Club
Volunteer Work: Big Brother/Big Sister program, Econ volunteer tutor
Employment: 3 summers as lifeguard, part time w/ the local branch of a big financial firm
Extra: All-State Track in high school</p>
<p>What colleges should I apply to? I'm interested in business schools and econ programs. Would I have a shot w/ a school like NYU Stern or Emory Goizueta? Any more advice on how to improve my profile?</p>