<p>Ok, well basically, I consider myself an average student...meaning, i don't work as hard as I could in any of my classes. That said, I'm pretty smart and ambitious so I think i'll do much better in college than high school. Thing is....i'm not sure where to apply.</p>
<p>I have a 3.2 unweighted GPA, but a 5 weighted. I've pretty much taken the hardest courses at my school, and will graduate with having passed each one with a 4 or 5. I have a 2240 SAT (780 R 770 M 690 W). I'm awaiting my scores on the Subject tests, but they were VERY easy and i'm expecting scores over 740 on each. I've always planned to be an engineer, but i'm open to business or medicine as well. I'm VERY need-based, my family probably falls within the lowest income bracket. I'm a hispanic male that immigrated to this country when I was 7 years old. I have solid community service, i'm president of math honors society, and i'm in a couble other honor societies. I think my essays are pretty strong, but I DID get a 690 writing.</p>
<p>so far i've sent applications to the following:
Harvard (longshot, but it's my dream school.)
UPENN (probably a longshot as well)
Washington in St. Louis
UMiami (fallback plan, I guess.)</p>
<p>I'm thinking of applying to Stanford and Northwestern as well. Any suggestions as to where I should apply?? And my chances with the schools above? Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>EDIT: I'm also in the top 2% in a fairly large class of about 800.</p>
<p>I do not see how a 3.2 can be weighted to a 5. What is the max?
I think you need some safeties, even with the advantage of being Hispanic and your good scores.
Lehigh, Lafayette, Carnegi Mellon and Bucknell are very good not Ivy schools strong in your areas of interest
And look at Duke</p>
<p>I’ve taken only AP classes for about 3 years now, plus a couple Honors sprinkled in. So I guess that boosts my GPA a lot. Carnegie Mellon is interesting.</p>
<p>Also, I’d prefer to not go to a LAC and preferably a decently large city.</p>
<p>How are you in the top 2% w/ an uw gpa of 3.2?</p>
<p>You should also add your state u for a safety w/ possible merit aid.</p>
<p>Are you a US citizen or green card resident? If so, then fine :)<br>
If you’re an int’l, then you’ll have some FA issues.</p>
<p>I’ve always planned to be an engineer, but i’m open to business or medicine as well. I’m VERY need-based, my family probably falls within the lowest income bracket. I’m a hispanic male that immigrated to this country when I was 7 years old.</p>
<p>I don’t think that you’ll get accepted into your reaches even though your SATs are stellar and you’re a URM. I think that schools won’t like that your GPA looks like you don’t apply yourself in class. Your transcript is going to show your grades - which will be a lot of B’s and few A’s. It will look like you “blow off” assignments and homework.</p>
<p>If you’ll be happy at UMiami (and you’ll get the funding you’ll need), then you’ll likely end up there.
<p>However, if you want to go elsewhere or OOS, then you need to realize that your UW GPA will limit your acceptances at the top schools that tend to give the best aid packages. They will be concerned that you won’t apply yourself once you’re at college. </p>
<p>Are you sure about being in the top 2% of your class with a 3.2 GPA? Does your transcript say that your ranking is something like…20 out of 800 seniors?</p>
<p>Are you also applying to UFlorida and FSU? If not, you should.</p>
<p>That you are a Latin male with high test scores (the writing score is less important, generally), I believe, based on my observations, will get you in everywhere. Of the schools that you mention, Wash. U. is probably the most intense, academically, with the greatest grade deflation–if you are inclined not to work hard in class, although you mention a possible shedding of your academic dormancy in college, stay away from Wash U. It is a great school but intense and less kind, grading-wise, than the rest of the schools you mention.</p>
<p>I think that you are a shoe-in for your desired schools. And, as an aside, I think that Carnegie-Mellon is better than Harvard for engineering.</p>
<p>Rice is like Northwestern’s, WashU’s, and Vanderbilt’s brother. I’d consider adding that.</p>