Where there black Quakers?

<p>So anyway. I am wondering about whetehr i can get into Penn, and I was wondering if anyone could help me gauge my chances of being admitted to the school. For a chemistry major in CAS.</p>

<p>These are my stats:
Race: Black
GPA:3.86 UW 5.49 W
SAT: 2070 (790 CR 650 M 630 W)
SAT 2: no taken yet
APs: Every, relevant one our school offers (except for BC Calc I am only taking AB)</p>

<p>Work Experience
6/1/07-7/25/07 Target (Missouri City, TX)
Employee Food Ave.
Provide high-quality food service
Mitigate customer relations problems </p>


<p>9th Elkins High School Track and Field Team
Ran 10 x 10 hurdles and 300 meter hurdles
2nd-10th Elkins High School Football Team
Linebacker, Kickoff, and Receiving Team
Directed the Defensive formation
(Quit because I broke my wrist and had to get surgery)
9th-11th Elkins Band
Concert Band(9th) Symphonic Band(10th-11th)
6th-12th Trumpet Player
Participated in UIL concert and sight reading contests
10th-11th Member 12th Captain Elkins Forensics Team</p>

<p>11th-12th Mu Alpha Theta

<p>11th-12th Science Honor Society
Member </p>

<p>11th Member 12th English Honor Society

<p>Awards </p>

<p>9th District Runner-Up Football
2nd Place in district
10th District Champions Football
1st Place in district </p>

<p>Debate Awards</p>

<p>5th Place Team out of 197 Schools (State)
1st place UT Longhorn largest tournament in Texas (State)
Two time State Qualifier in Lincoln Douglass Debate (State)
1st Place Aldine Debate Tournament (Region)
3rd Place UIL District Extempt Speaking (Region)
6th Place NFL District Extempt Speaking (Region)
National Forensic League Special Distinction Honor (National)
State Quaterfinalist Extempt Speaking (State) </p>

<p>Science Fair Awards</p>

<p>Evalution of Photon Tunneling Probability by Spatial Variation Published by the Society for Ameuter Scientist
District Oustanding Achievement in Science Award (2006,2007,2008)
Top Chemistry Student 2 years
4th Place Science and Engineering Fair of Houston
4th Place American Physics Society-Texas Chapter</p>

<p>Original Research:
9th Quantitative Analysis of Electron Transition in Helium (150 hours)
10th Evolution of Time Independent Wavefunctions in an Electrostatic Field (240 hours)
11th Evaluation of Photon Tunneling Probability by Spatial Variation(200 hours)</p>

<p>Any comments would be great!!!!!!!
Oh wait I'm black so it would be ballin'</p>

<p>If you are applying early admission, I'd have to say you have no chance of getting in. I am only saying this because the SAT II are required and you cannot take them before early decision any more. </p>

<p>If you manage to take them at a different time and apply regular, Id say it will be hard to get in unless you show passion for something and improve your test scores. Being black will def help your chances but I am not sure that that will be enough. Sorry if thats not what you wanted to hear but hey who knows? It's a crap shoot when it comes to ivy league admissions so just give it your best shot and see what happens.</p>

<p>In lieu of the SAT IIs, there is always the ACT with writing option. Could that still be taken before the ED deadline?</p>

<p>I don't plan on applying early so that isn't an issue. I am planning on taking the ACT and i am preping for it projected to probably be about a 31, and i will probably only send that in.</p>

<p>Yeah, send in the ACT if its high enough for you (that's what I used, my SAT IIs weren't ready for ED). I think you will be accepted, although there is no guarantee. Good luck!</p>