Where to apply?

<p>I've been somewhat lax in my research for colleges, so I'm at a point right now where I have very little idea of what colleges to apply to. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated...</p>

White Male, lower/middle class, New York
School- Private, Catholic, NJ- sends a few students to upper-tier schools each year
GPA- 4.0 unweighted
Rank- Not sure if my school does rank, but I'd be #1 out of about 200 students</p>

SAT- 2330 (800 CR, 740 M, 790 WR)
SAT IIs- still waiting for scores
AP- Taken US History and Statistics, waiting for scores</p>

-Most rigorous offered over 4 years, which isn't saying too much- the harder classes aren't really available until senior year
-Senior Schedule- AP Calc BC, AP Biology, AP English Literature, AP Government, AP Latin Literature, assorted other non-APs</p>

This is where I really have problems...
-Cross Country- 1 year freshman, 2 JV, varsity next year
-Track- 2 JV, 2 varsity (including next year)
-Youth Court (local alternative sentencing program)- 3 years, member steering committee
-Young Republicans (cursed with conservative leanings)- President
-Co-founded political opinion magazine
-Math tutoring in-school
-Class representative for school activities club- ran several events for local middle schoolers
-Worked summer 2007 for a lawyer- did research for a few federal cases, interesting enough to write about in an essay
-Spending this summer volunteering for the Red Cross
-Assorted volunteering locally</p>

I feel somewhat stupid making this a section :)
-National Merit Semifinal Thing
-NHS, Latin Honor Society, that sort of thing
-Attending Boys State (American Legion thing) next week
-Quite a few school achievement awards (first in merit, etc.)
Nothing special at all. Apologies for overuse of the word "thing"...</p>

<p>I'm somewhat interested in a career in finance, so I suppose that's what I should be looking for as far as related majors. However, thats reeealllly tentative and not extremely important to where I apply.</p>

<p>So that's me. I write a pretty good essay and my recommendations should be excellent. I don't have any connections, alumni parents, or Nobel Prizes, so I'll have to hope someone takes a liking to me. So... can anyone recommend a few schools that might be worth applying to?</p>

<p>well what kind of schools appeal to you?
big? small? new england? california?</p>

<p>Sorry for not being specific. I'd like to stay in the East- I wouldn't particularly like to go to school in California or near that. As far as size goes, I'm not overly picky, although I would say that a really small school wouldn't appeal to me. Overall, I would really just be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction so that I could get an idea of where I might fit in with applications.</p>

<p>Some suggestions in the Eastern half of the US:</p>

<p>Trinity (CT), Wheaton (MA), Bucknell, Wesleyan, George Washington, Cornell, URochester, Tufts, BC, Colby, Washington U, Lafayette, Dickinson, Holy Cross, Oberlin, Vassar, URichmond, Emory, Davidson, Wake Forest, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Denison, Vanderbilt, Middlebury, Union (NY), UNC-Chapel Hill, College of William & Mary, Lehigh, Case Western, Franklin & Marshall, Trinity (TX), Carnagie Mellon, Rice, UChicago, Northwestern, UWisconsin-Madison.</p>

<p>Size most of the schools have 2000+ students.</p>

<p>I think your SAT's and resume could be ivy league material, Penn? Cornell?
Safetys; Union, Dickinson, Gettysburg, etc</p>

<p>take the counselor-o-matic on the princeton review website, it will help you get more specific</p>

<p>Apply To Duke!</p>

<p>For Finance you have 2 of the very best in your backyard.</p>

<p>Wharton is worth a try although your math score is below average there and lack of ECs will make it hard. NYU Stern is a good bet for you and will yield great finance opportunities.</p>