Where to ED/EA?

<p>White Male Student from Las Vegas, NV </p>

<p>GPA - UW: 4.0 W: 4.8
Class Rank : 1/635 (cut off is 4.8 GPA)</p>

<p>SAT II: MathIIC-710 (Might retake), USHist - 790
ACT: 31, but say hypothetically a 33+ (thats my goal im aiming for, hope to have by november, two more test times)</p>

<p>EC / Awards:
DECA: VP (Soph and Junior), President Senior
NHS: 3 year member, Senior President
FBLA: 2 year member (maybe E-Board Next Year)
Basketball : 4 years, Varsity 2 years, Captain Senior Year (my passion, my essay, can not get recruited by good D1s, some Ivies interested)
Science Club, Member for 2 years
Definite Valedictorian Candidate
AP Scholar
NHS President's Award and Outstanding Service in My Community Award</p>

<p>1 of 2 RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) at school
Nevada Boys' State Delegate (will be one of my essays)</p>

<p>Mom didn't graduate high school, don't know if this helps</p>

<p>Currently enrolled in 4 AP classes: Language and Comp, Calc BC (2 year), Chem, and APUSHIST, the rest of my classes are honors and required classes
Next Year: 5 AP Euro Hist, Lit, Govt, Physics, and Calc</p>

<p>Recs: GREAT (the teachers love me)
Essays: They will be good (one is on the life lessons that basketball has taught me and the challenge it has brought to me life)</p>

<p>Okay, so with a 33 on the ACT and the above stats what are my chances at the following, looking to ED or EA?</p>

<p>Stanford SCEA (always loved the school)
Princeton ED (same as Stanford)
Penn Wharton ED (I love business)
Yale EA (love Yale too, but to a lesser degree)
Cornell ED
UNLV (lol jk)
MIT EA</p>

<p>well, your stats are pretty stellar. as long as the ACT score goes up, which it most likely will, being valedictorian in a big school is a huge plus. on a side note, watch that your essay doesnt become too standard, "how this sport taught me everything ive ever learned" is one of those common topics, so beware. also, note that ED means you are going there if you get in, and Yale/Stanford both have SCEA. this means you wont be able to apply early to more than one school. if you dont have a clear idea of where you want to go just apply EA to one of the schools you have so you can apply RD for the others. also, it looks like you want a business related school, i would consider some safeties, maybe Carnegie Mellon (good with engineering if you like it, Tepper is also underrated). good luck!</p>

<p>ED is a binding commitment. That means you can only apply early to ONE school, and one school only. That school should be the one you enjoy the most.</p>

<p>Similarly, SCEA stands for single choice early action, meaning it's early action where you apply early and don't make a commitment. HOWEVER, like ED, you can only apply to one school early.</p>

<p>So, you're going to have to make a choice here...which school do you like best? Stanford? Princeton? Wharton? Yale? Cornell? Duke? MIT? Find out which school you would want to attend most, and apply early there. If it's ED, and you're accepted, you'll go there. If you're rejected, you'll have to apply to your other choices regular decision, and believe it or not, getting in then is not as hard as you think.</p>

<p>Now, other stuff...first of all, your mom not having attended college will help some, but are you the first to have ever attended college in your family? If so, you'll be at an advantage in the application process.</p>

<p>If you can get your ACT to a 33, that will be excellent. But, you can't always predict how you'll do on a test, even after having done countless practice tests. Be sure to keep on studying.</p>

<p>The last thing I have to say is this...all the schools you're applying to are reaches. You need to find a safety school you'll be excited to attend. I'd reccommend some place like NYU, but I don't know if you'd like some place like that. Explore your options...</p>

<p>No I am not the first to attend college, Dad got his master from Eastern Michigan University lol. I did not know the sports essay was that generic, thanks for the tip. Anyway, how do my chances look at each of those schools ED or EA? Specifically, Stanford and Yale?</p>


<p>i have to say you are looking really good. One thing to think about. If your recommendations are all going to mention what an amazing basketball player you are, maybe use your essay to talk about a different aspect of your personality</p>

<p>lol. Recs will not be talking about basketball, they will be talking about me and my personality in the classroom.</p>

<p>No chance with current ACT, small chance with 33. You should be looking at lower ivies.</p>

<p>If you are getting recruited at all, why are you posting here?</p>

<p>bobby, you're not being very encouraging on any of the threads you post on. A 33 is in the higher 50% of Stanford students, and a 34 is what most colleges have at their 75 percentile..</p>

<p>jPod because, despite my passion for basketball I am very passionate about academics and worried about my chances lol. Now I am getting recruited by a couple of top 20 academics schools, but I am not really sure if I want to go there. A couple are DIII, which means no money, and Ivies give no scholarshiops (grants yes, but am I a #1 recruit who can get a huge grant? NO)which is like, hell, if I dont want to go there, then why pay for the whole thing just to play basketball, when I can go somewhere else and have fun playing intramurals every onece in a while. Plus, my senior friends are getting ready for college, everyone seems to be out of town, and Ive decided to spend the night home rolling through the internet.</p>

<p>bump (10 char)</p>