<p>I am currently a junior and I already know I want to enter the medical field. Do you think that all the Ivy Leagues have good medical programs? I am considering UCLA, UCB, USC, and thinking about the Ivies. I specifically have an eye on Cornell's Early Decision because I feel that it's my only chance of getting into an Ivy. Any suggestions on where to apply. Any better programs or colleges to try? Thanks.</p>
<p>Oh an also... I'm wondering about summer programs that I can do. I already applied to the COSMOS one held by UCDavis and im still waiting for their response. There is another program called "National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine" that pretty much accepts anyone with a GPA over 3.5. Is it better going to the COSMOS program centered on Biotechnology, or should I go to a program that has no application process and go to a specifically medical-intership-like-program? Do summer programs even matter? Do they just show the student's interest in a certain field? </p>
<p>Also... how important is it to be selected for the American Legion's Boys State? I wasn't selected and I felt disappointed. Is it something that will derastically affect an application's strenth?</p>