Where to store your stuffs during Term breaks

<p>Where do you store your bike, fridge, computer, comforter etc. during term break and for summer? My S need to fly home.</p>

<p>My D got together with a couple of friends and rented a local storage unit for all of their items and shared the cost of rental for summer months. There were a couple set of keys. Once kept by person who signed rental contract and the other was given to person who will be returning to campus first in the fall.</p>

<p>During the year, I would imagine he will be able to leave his things in his room while he comes home. Then, mid to late spring semester, posters and ads for various summer storage options will pop up all over campus. The ones I am familiar with typically charge some fee per box. Some facilities/organizations will send reps to campus to pick up boxes, otherwise he can find a friend with a car. Once he is at school, he'll be able to ask his friends what they do and get recommendations from older students about the best way to go.</p>


Where do you store your bike, fridge, computer, comforter etc. during term break and for summer? My S need to fly home.


<p>I normally recommend shipping stuff back home via a courier service like UPS, DHL, or FedEx. Most students don’t even consider this as an option; they just go straight for storage. In your case, storage is probably the best option because a bike, a fridge, and I assume a desktop computer not only take up a fair amount of space but are also inconvenient to ship home. </p>

<p>For incoming students who are reading this thread, if you need to fly home during summer break, take a look at the stuff you can’t carry-on. If it’s not a whole lot, then shipping your stuff back home is cheaper than storage. One of my friends’ mom rented a 8x10x10 storage unit for her son. He barely filled up a corner. He could have shipped all of that back home for under $100. Instead, he’s paying $100 per month for four months.</p>

<p>$100 a month is pretty insane for a storage unit though. Is it air conditioned? Probably in a city where space is limited. Around here you can get one for cheap and if you split it you can get one for next to nothing. Garbage bag up the comforter and it + bike + fridge + a couple other odds and ends aren't going to take up much room at all. Most if not all schools let you leave your stuff in your room over winter/fall/spring break though, so you don't have to worry about it then.</p>