Where Will AdmissionsDaniel be?

<p>As some of you may have noticied, I have not been around College Confidential much the last few weeks. I just spent some time catching up on some discussions, but this may be my last time answering questions on CC for the next few weeks. My focus needs to be on Admissions Committee work from now until notification day. I need to set priorities, and sorry CC will not be one of them.</p>

<p>Updates as always will be posted to the Hopkins Insider blog:
Hopkins</a> Insider</p>

<p>As well, if you have questions for me, I suggest first searching the Ask Admissions section of the Hopkins Forums. If your question is not answered there, then feel free to post a new question on the Hopkins Forums as I will check them each day:
Hopkins</a> Forums -> Ask Admissions</p>

<p>Finally, just a suggestion. Spend the next few weeks away from College Confidential. Try to not think about the release of decisions ... distract yourself with non-college admissions discussions. Enjoy your senior year ... enjoy the hopefully warmer spring weather ... read a good book ... go to the movies ... etc.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your help during this whole process!</p>

<p>^I agreeā€¦thanks for your help and advice!</p>