Just thought it’d be interesting to know where you’re all applying to (I know there’s already a thread for this, but wait, there’s more) and the order of preference… like where’d you wanna go the most if you got in all.</p>
<p>So, I’ll go first… </p>
<li>Phillips Academy Andover</li>
<li>St. Paul’s School</li>
<li>Phillips Exeter Academy</li>
<p>benevolent, I am curious about why you think you have no chance at SPS, Hotchkiss, Andover or Exeter, but you do at Groton. Do you think you are a particularly good fit for Groton, or that Groton is somehow easier to gain admission to than the others?</p>
<p>Perhaps the applicant was rushed through the other applications and felt the app was lacking in something, while with Groton, they took the time… ? Haha, wild guess. Groton’s a great school, but it’s tiny and starts in 8th (starting at a tiny school 1 year late… nty!)</p>
<li>Lawrenceville (?)</li>
6/7. Blair/NMH
For next year, anyways :)</li>
<p>I had an amazing interview at Groton… well at least compared to my other interviews. I also have a hook at Groton (but only there.) I can’t really explain it because of privacy issues. And then something amazing happened that has to do with Groton. I don’t think that it would be safe to mention it though…</p>
<li>Phillips Exeter Academy (yes, it feels strange to refer to it by its full name, not PEA or Exeter)</li>
<li>Phillips Academy, Andover (once again, weird!)</li>
<p>I think I have the same odds as everyone else: ±20%, but I also have a few hooks at both, so maybe it’s more like 25%, haha!</p>