where's the shuttle at the airport??

<p>Son took the shuttle bus to the airport and forgot to ask where he'll pick it up tomorrow. Anyone know about this? He's flying Southwest if that matters at all.</p>

<p>At the airport (Indianapolis), it’s in a building directly across the street (the other side from where the taxis drive up)from baggage claim.</p>

<p>At the student union (Bloomington), it’s directly in front of the hotel at the student union.</p>

<p>Careful, Indianapolis opened up a new airport recently, so
the Bloomington shuttle has been relocated to another part
of the airport. Have your son go to the section on the bottom
floor where “ground transportation” is, and there should be
several booths lined up with bloomington shuttle being one
of them. THe actual bus loads at “zone 3.”</p>

<p>I know this is too late for your S, but to add to the info for future students as both previous posters had correct info. </p>

<p>I was at the new airport over the weekend. I came out of the baggage area to the ground transportation section. The area closest to the building seems to be for taxis, limos, and shuttles to the parking lots. </p>

<p>It did seem as if some signs were not up yet. The sign for the parking shuttles was NOT obvious. </p>

<p>As we waited for the next shuttle, I noticed shuttles picking people up across the street, near another waiting area. My guess is that area across the street is for hotel pickups and for shuttles to Bloomington and W. Lafayette.</p>