<p>Hey. Right now I’m in four AP classes (Eng. Lang., Psych, APUSH, and Chem) and holding my own. So next year I don’t see a big problem with taking five, but which ones? This is my schedule so far:</p>
<p>My choices are AP European Hist, AP Physics, AP Stat, or AP Bio</p>
<p>I don’t think I can handle the workload of physics and calc, and bio is my very least favorite subject. I want to get a political science degree, so stat is probably more relevant than euro, but euro also has the best teacher in the school.</p>
<p>hmm, i would pick ap euro simply because you get to know about the history of governmental structures and theories for modern government which would be relevant to a political science degree. having a 'best' teacher is nice as well. </p>
<p>hah, but for myself i picked physics over euro. =]</p>
<p>thanks for the answer. it's crazy that you went into physics! i don't know about your school, but at mine the highest ap physics grade is like a 79. that's another reason i'm scared of physcs; i've gotta try to preserve that gpa.</p>
<p>I'm getting varying opinions on what you suggested. Some teachers say take ap euro for the reasons you said, like the structure of government. Others are saying take ap stat because of things like demographics and polling. </p>
<p>Does anyone know if european history is required for a polsci (that's like a Newspeak word..) degree? my friend that's in ap euro now says it is, but I've never heard that before.</p>
<p>id go with stats because its the most useful one. when are you going to use European history in your life? you will actually use stats and it's fairly easy.</p>
<p>Thanks for the answer Courtney. I see what you mean, but I honestly think that both would be pretty applicable in my field of study. Say I decide to get a masters in international relations or, heck, anything political: Euro hist would then be invaluable.</p>
<p>I don't know how your school works, but at mine we take AP american gov for a semester and then AP economics (which is really AP macro) for a semester.
i definitely wish i had those choices though; i'd double up on econ and politics in a heartbeat.</p>
<p>I think you should take Euro. You don't like/aren't sure about the other three options, Euro has an awesome instructor, and is also quite relevant to your intended major. What's not to give?</p>
<p>I guess the confusion was my fault then- rather than saying government AND economics, it's become habit to say "govnomics" at my school. my bad.</p>
<p>you guys must have an opinion on this: the excuse our faculty gives for not offering AP Micro? "you need to take calculus first." ???</p>
<p>more pertinent though is my original question: AP Euro or AP Stat (or AP _____)?</p>
<p>Somewhere up the thread I asked if Euro Hist was necessary to get a PolSci degree. Along that line, which do you think would get me into a better polsci college?</p>
<p>I should go to bed (and you guys probably should too). ACT tomorrow.</p>
<p>Are you going to be a junior or a senior? Because you can always save Stats for senior year if you want a lighter load.</p>
<p>Personally, I love history, and I'm also a big advocate for courses with good teachers. It really just depends on whether you want an extra numbers course, or another political course. I think Euro's more relevant to your major and will be more rewarding because of the teacher.</p>
<p>i would go w/ stat cuz, personally, i think that stat is way better than euro (history is not my favorite)...stat is more useful!
well, at my school, we have the BEST stat teacher and euro isn't offered...</p>
<p>If you've taken AP World, AP Euro seems kind of redundant. If not, then one can make a case for either one, in which case it sounds like you really like the AP Euro teacher.</p>
<p>(Personally, I'd swith out AP Calc and take AP Stat and AP Euro. I took Stat instead of Calc this year and it didn't hinder me getting into schools at all, despite what my counselor tried to warn me. I'm also a would-be PoliSci major.)</p>