<p>I just finished taking the ACT and am feeling relativly well. I studied for a week before the test and didn't put to much effort forth but am expecting atleast a 29 on this test. If it's lower I don't even know any more... Anyways, I studied the PR 1296 questions and PR: cracking the ACT. Both seemed extremely helpful but I feel that the books missed some of the things that I needed to know for the ACT. What books do you guys feel are the best for self studying the ACT (I'm looking for a 34 by next september...)</p>
<p>Red book has pretty accurate practice tests. What exactly do you mean by the PR books were missing something? I am looking for more study material as well.</p>
<p>Where can you get red book?</p>
<p>I use redbook only day before test to see a the closest representation of what I will actually get on the test. I just bought Barrons guide to 36, Barrons math and science, and Barrons English and reading. I have until June to get my 34+</p>
<p>I used the red book and it was helpful, but some of the math problems in it were way different than the ones on the ACT yesterday (law of sines, number of math teachers, etc.).</p>
<p>I like by Barrons book.</p>