Which are the best UC's for a business major?

I am trying to find the best UC’s and rank them according to how good their business programs are and if I could get in.
My stats are:
SAT: 1230
ACT: 25
Unweighted GPA: 3.63
Weighted GPA: 3.97
I know UCI has a really good undergraduate business program but I would really appreciate the help with your opinions. thanks!

Only 3 UCs offer undergraduate business: UCB, UCI, UCR.

UC Berkeley’s Haas is the highest ranked of the mentioned three. Haas does not accept freshman. They accept juniors (fulfill the business school prerequisites and apply during sophomore year). You’ll need about a 3.7 GPA from UCB to transfer to Haas. To transfer from a community college, you’ll need around a 3.9+ GPA. Transfers from other universities, even from other UC’s, are unlikely.

UCI is the 2nd highest ranked undergraduate UC business school. They take freshman and it is very competitive. I don’t think your stats are competitve enough to get into UCI. You might want to apply anyway.

UCR is the 3rd ranked among UC undergraduate business schools. They do not accept freshman and like Haas accepts juniors. The UCR undergrad bus. school is much easier to get into than Haas. With you stats, you have a realistic chance of being admitted to UCR as a freshman and then you would apply to the business school as a junior.

Other UC alternatives are business/management economics like at UCLA, UCD, UCSC, UCSB, etc., but you would not be getting a business degree. My understanding is that UCLA and UCSB are competitive for admission, but not as competitive as Haas.

Other non UC alternatives are CSU’s, private schools like USC, Santa Clara and out of state public and private schools.

Always have a backup plan.

Good luck.

berkeley or irvine

UCI Business Admin stats for In-coming Freshman:
Average UC GPA (capped weighted) : 4.08
Average SAT: 1316 (new)
Acceptance rate: 22.3%

UCI is possible but you need to bump up your SAT score. UCR looks like a Match. I would add a couple of Cal states as solid Match/safety schools such as San Diego State, CSU Long Beach and/or Fullerton.

UCB, but you probably won’t get in…
UCR has a very good program and will probably accept you. Of course, there are a lot more schools in CA that aren’t UCs - for some reason they aren’t good enough?