<p>Hello, Everyone.</p>
<p>I'm planning to attend HFCC hopefully very soon and I want to know what the best school </p>
<p>would be to transfer to after I leave there with my associate's degree.</p>
<p>I know it's a bit early to be making assumptions about such a thing but I would like to </p>
<p>know what is out there.</p>
<p>I didn't do so well in high school and ended up graduating with a measly 1.9 GPA and an ACT score of 16.</p>
<p>A lot of personal problems and deaths in the family managed to throw me off of my game.</p>
<p>All through elementary school and middle school I was an overachiever but when I got to </p>
<p>high school I lost my "mojo" so to speak.</p>
<p>I'm going to be 20 years old tomorrow and I will have accomplished nothing in the 2 years </p>
<p>since I've left H.S. and quite frankly that's just a bitter pill to swallow.</p>
<p>I'm not setting my sets too high when it comes to Colleges because well I don't want to be unrealistic and ultimately set myself for failure.</p>
<p>My guidance counselor told me not to attend any kind of college due to the fact that I do have ADHD and I am bipolar and well I listened to her.</p>
<p>I listened to someone who wasn't even a licensed guidance counselor, Maybe I am stupid after all.</p>
<p>Can any of you just give some tips on how to make it through CC and what colleges to possibly transfer to afterwards?? I'm looking into possibly majoring in music.</p>
<p>Thank you and I'm sorry for the sob story.</p>