Which CS9 classes should I take?

<p>I took CS3 this semester and next semester will be my last one here. I want to learn some more languages next semester. I'm going into a finance/investment career, so it's unlikely I would be doing any programming at my job, at least initially. However, I play computer games, use a lot of different types of windows programs, and am familiar with PC hardware. Based on this, which programming languages would be most useful for me to learn? Right now, I'm going for Java and Python since I've heard them mentioned more than the others.</p>

<p>Also, would it be doable to take 2 CS9 courses in one semester? I will have 3 other classes for 11 units, and having 2 CS9 courses will bring me up to 13. However, I'm wondering if each course is actually a lot of work, or if it would be hard to learn two at a time. Thanks.</p>

<p>From people majoring in EECS/CS, I’ve heard that the CS9 courses can be as much work as a 3 unit course. So it’d be like taking 17 units next semester. I would just take python or Java. Python is becoming increasingly popular, and Java is an industry staple.</p>

<p>Well I would probably take one of these: C, C++, Java, or Python.</p>

<p>I’m taking 61C next semester and Python.</p>

<p>Take C/C++/Java because those are the most commonly used in industry. If you’re curious about more, then take a look at Python. If you’re still curious try your hand at Perl. Finally, if you want to be awesome, become a lisp hacker.</p>

<p>I was looking at the course page for CS Java and it said this:</p>

<p>CS3, CS3S or IDS110 probably do not provide sufficient experience for this course; we recommend that you take CS61A, CS9C, or CS9F to acquire more experience. </p>

<p>I have only taken CS3S. Should I take C instead of Java? It’s not very appealing to me since I only have one semester left and Java seems a lot more useful than C.</p>

<p>I just looked at the course page for CS9C and it says:</p>

<p>CS 3 or 3S or IDS 110 probably does not provide sufficient experience for this course; we recommend that you take CS 9B to acquire more experience. </p>

<p>W-T-F? Does CS3 prepare me for nothing or what?</p>

<p>You’re best off just buying the book the class uses and studying it yourself. Don’t bother learning Pascal</p>

<p>It’s one thing to learn a programming language, quite another to learn programming. That describes the prerequisites.</p>

<p>If you don’t already have programming experience, than you will have to learn both the language and programming, the skill, both at the same time. This is something I consider to be an almost-impossible task. I’d say that it’s 1 unit if you’ve had programming, but you’d otherwise be spending as much time on it as a 3-4 unit course.</p>

<p>Take C++ and Python. Once you know C++, you can easily teach yourself Java as the concepts are very similar. On the other hand, Python and C++ are somewhat different.</p>