Which dorm should I choose?

<p>I was looking at the housing application and I don't know which dorms I should apply for. I know that I want either in the Superblock or Middlebrook (If I get into Honors). I would like a double room, no fancy suite or anything. Which hall in the superblock do you think is the best for condition and amenities?</p>

<p>If I end up attend U of M I know my first choice would be Middlebrook (regardless of honors or not). But I think Territorial is suppose to be good. </p>

<p>To check out rooms and amenities go the U’s website and look at the Residence page. It is very helpful.</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as you, trying to decide between Frontier and Middlebrook. I’ll just list the pro’s and con’s I considered for each…but you can probably apply Frontier’s to the entire Superblock since they’re pretty similar (except for the dining halls of course)</p>

Pro’s-Will meet a lot of people, especially freshmen. Seems more of a party dorm. Close to where my classes will be. Has both the biology house and the women in science and engineering house (and although I don’t want to be in them, it’d be good to know that there are people who have similar interests to mine) I’ve actually toured it, and really liked it. I know people who have lived there and liked it a lot.
Con’s-Apparently it can get really loud, won’t be meeting a lot of other Honors kids, there’s a horrible stench outside one of the Superblock dorms (not Frontier, but somewhere close) I don’t really want to get drawn into the partying scene too much, which could possibly happen if I stay here. </p>

Pro’s-The official honors housing, which I think could be good for meeting smart people. I like the West Bank a lot more.
Con’s-Far to walk…day or night. The Bridge was kind of dangerous last year at night, there were several robberies reported there. It’s not freshmen only. I’m afraid that all people will do there is study all the time (ok, that one is irrational I know) So far the people I know who have stayed there have not been the most…outgoing type of people.</p>

<p>Yeah…I guess it’s sort of equal. If anyone has any insight, please share!</p>