which dorms are the best?

<p>I've only seen the university once, and didn't even get to see all the dorms. I want to be near everything, but don't want to be at a 24/7 party dorm. i want to study, but have fun at the same time. my biggest concern is how big and nice the rooms are. I'd also prefer not to share bathrooms with the whole hall. Please give me advice on what dorms you think are the best. The new lakeshore dorms seem the best to me, but i need backup dorms. please and thank you!</p>

<p>Newer generally better. All you want to know is on the housing site.Most only spend 1 year in them so not that big a deal really.</p>

<p>Rank your choices from first to last. You probably want to rank the rest of the Lakeshore dorms before the Southeast dorms. Consider your priorities- location, age of dorm, style, cost, etc. No one else can determine these for you. All dorms have pros and cons. All work well for freshmen but dorm life after a year or two often isn’t as nice as when you first leave home. If you are like many incoming students from an upper middle class home with many luxuries all dorms will disappoint unless you consider the increased freedom compared to home. Remember that the dorms have to be affordable for those with lower family incomes, they aren’t trying to cater to the wealthy.</p>

<p>you should look into ogg, smith, the new lakeshore dorm, and phillips hall. they all have a premium added to the price but are very nice. the new lakeshore dorm and smith have cafeterias on site. phillips has private bathrooms in each room which was a huge plus… i had an unbearable roommate situation so i switched to a different dorm but i loved phillips. the lakeshore dorms aren’t right in the heart of campus like ogg and smith are. they definitely don’t have as much as the party atmosphere but are still very social.</p>