Which dorms at VA Tech are primarily freshmen?

Which dorms are primarily for freshmen? I know that freshmen can apply to any dorm, but I’d rather be in one with people in my class than upperclassmen. I am going with a random roommate and I’m not living in a learning-living community.

Over half of the residents on campus are freshmen, so most traditional dorms will have mostly freshman, including the buildings that house LLCs.

Off the top of my head it’s faster to list the ones that ARE NOT primarily freshmen: Payne, New Res East, New Hall West, Cochrane, Harper, East/West AJ.

If I recall correctly, you don’t really get to choose specifically which dorm you live in. You have a bunch of options but they won’t ask you “so which dorm do u wanna be in?” Pretty much all dorms have freshman in them, since freshman make up the vast majority of people who live on campus. So you probably won’t have too much trouble getting into a dorm with freshman. Slusher and pritchard are big ones for freshman, in my opinion.

Also, a little unrelated side note, try not to call us “VA Tech”. Some people get annoyed. Plus it looks/sounds weird hahahaha.

Would you prefer Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University? I’m kidding. But you have my curiosity. This old hokie would like to know what to call the school. I’ve always used Va Tech or simply Tech.

@DecideSomeHow I’ve always heard that no one says “Vah-Tech” since I started in 2009. I generally always just say Tech.

My boyfriend is the same age but from Blacksburg and was used to hearing VA Tech, VT, and Tech. It was always funny when he would say VA Tech and people would correct him & assume he was new/unfamiliar when in reality he basically grew up on campus.

Ahh. I read VA as “Virginia”, just an abbreviation. I’m not wierd after all.

@DecideSomeHow Haha that makes sense. I think ESPN commentators or some other football network started saying VA as “Vah” on TV and that started it all, now a lot of students like to correct others who use it