Which ECs to put down?

<p>Ok, I have 14 ECs I can think of but there are only 12 spots on the common app. They are all decently involved things, it's not a "laundry list". Here is a brief overview of the 6 least important activities to me. I need to narrow these down to 4. Which should I eliminate?</p>

<p>-Student Council (Class Treasurer)
-Varsity CC (freshman/soph year only)
-Varsity Track (freshman year only)
-Club Soccer
-Mountain Climbing (not organized, just a hobby; plans to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro)</p>

<p>I would get rid of varsity track because you only did that freshman year.</p>

<p>Then I would either eliminate club soccer (not particularly impressive) or varsity CC (not continued junior year). Are there other varsity sports in your top 8? If not I’d keep the CC to show you’re a good athlete.</p>

<p>(I don’t know what CC is, I assume it’s some sport haha)</p>

<p>Put things that you have done for 4 years.</p>

<p>I think its funny how you’re the VP of NHS yet its one of the things you care about the least. It shows just how little officer positions matter.</p>

<p>^haha agreed. Officer positions are a joke. CC is cross country btw. I have varsity soccer (all 4 yrs) and varsity golf (11-12) in my top 8, so dropping track won’t be a problem. Thanks for the input guys!</p>

<p>By the way, you can always include the extra stuff in the additional info section.</p>


<p>Is it a bad idea to use my last name as the common app username?
Will colleges even see the username?</p>

<p>Or should I take a risk and use an interesting username?</p>

<p>I am very meticulous, and pay way too much attention to little details as such.
coffeecup2945 is online now</p>

<p>ps: take out
-Club Soccer
-Mountain Climbing</p>