Which gives you a bigger boost- being a legacy or a first generation college student?

<p>Which do colleges/ admissions officers like more?</p>

<p>It depends on the college. You can get a rough idea by looking at the common data set, or the college’s entry on [CollegeData:</a> College Search, Financial Aid, College Application, College Scholarship, Student Loan, FAFSA Info, Common Application](<a href=“http://www.collegedata.com%5DCollegeData:”>http://www.collegedata.com) .</p>

<p>First generations do more for diversity.</p>

<p>But legacies do more for the university’s bottom line. A lot of universities are interested in producing dedicated dynasties of wealthy folks who will feel connected to the school, as if it’s part of the family, and give money.</p>

<p>The number of seats in both categories at most schools tend to be around 10-12%. </p>

<p>Not all schools have an institutional guideline to accept 10% first gen students as part of their admittees. So it would be much harder to get in. It also means the institution has a large endowment to support fullrides for most first gens and this prevents most schools from accepting too many.</p>