Which GPA to submit

<p>My daughter's school gives you the choice of using weighted or unweighted gpa and rank.</p>

<p>Her unweighted gpa puts her rank higher than her weighted gpa. Her counselor says to use the weighted/lower rank gpa. I question that.</p>

<p>Which is better to use.

<p>I would go with unweighted.</p>

<p>I would go with unweighted. Most institutions take the unweighted grades and apply their own weight to them anyway.</p>

<p>From UVA's application:</p>

This applicant’s weighted cumulative GPA is _________<strong><em>; the highest in the class is _</em></strong>____. If your school does not weight GPA, please report the applicant’s unweighted GPA and the highest unweighted GPA in the class and check here.
