Which High School should I attend?

<p>H high school vs L high school</p>

<p>My goal is to get into one of top 20 colleges. I also want a colorful high school life.</p>

<p>I will be in 10th grade the coming fall.</p>

<p>H high school:
H high school is a prestige public high school.
Senior destination of 2010
college enrolled # of student
Harvard University 5
Stanford University 4
Yale University 2</p>

<p>I got all A's in my 9th grade in H high school. I made some friends but I don't have close friend to handout in H.</p>

<p>L high school:
There are only two students enrolled in ivy school in past 10 years.
I attended 5th and 6th grades in L middle school and I have some close friends there.</p>

<p>The distance between H and L is 35 miles and 50 minutes drive.</p>

<p>I want to transfer back to L so I have close friend to hand out, but my parents want me to stay in H and they promise to drive me back to L once a week to hand out with my friends.</p>

<p>Go to L and distinguish yourself there. Make good friends with all sorts of people who aren’t academics. I’ve realized this very recently that this ISN’T a bad thing at all.</p>

<p>Your life will be a lot easier in a non-competitive high school anyway. Besides your friends are there in L right? Don’t leave them.</p>

<p>Uhhh, the high school you attend is not going to determine whether or not you get into an Ivy or top 20 school.</p>

<p>I’d just stay at H.</p>

<p>hmmm, how good are these friends? and would you be leaving some at H?</p>

<p>I handed out with those friends in 5th and 6th grade and still keep in touch with them in face book. I attended 7th and and 8th grade in foreign country</p>

<p>stay at H. because you don’t want to be a big fish in a small pond. Use this to write your admission essay</p>

<p>Seriously, H will be MUCH better for you in the long run.</p>

<p>Going to a smaller highschool will challenge you less and it seems as if you would have a smaller amount of opportunities.</p>

<p>Going to a school based on friends is not a good idea and it’s not rational. You just finished you freshman year.</p>

<p>To tell you the truth, I didn’t make the friends that I have now (I’m a senior) until my sophomore year. </p>

<p>The friends I spent time with in MS and Freshman year aren’t that prominent any more.</p>

<p>Think about your collegiate future!</p>

<p>H High School seems like it has many more “doors” and opportunities for you. It seems like the high school with many extra-curricular activities and academic pathways.</p>

<p>However, L High School seems less competitive, and thus maybe you’d have less competition for rank, etc.</p>

<p>I’d go with H High School, though.</p>

<p>Any reason why you’re saying “hand(ed) out with friends?” I’ve never heard anyone say “hand” in place of “hang” before.</p>

<p>I think you’ll be surprised by how much people change in 7th and 8th grade, really middleschool changes a lot of people and facebook isn’t a good gauge of who people are. If you have good friends at your current school I’d stay. I actually don’t figure the competitive matters, it’s what you do there that counts, and you’ll be more willing to do things that matter and participate in class if you’re happy. But I think if you have good friends at H then don’t change because you might not like L.</p>

<p>Go to H.</p>

<p>L doesn’t have a very good track record.</p>

<p>Do these schools by any chance, start with the letters Hi and Ly? If they do, you MUST go to H.</p>

<p>Good colleges know who the good high schools are. If you want a top 20 college, the choice has to be H.</p>

<p>Stay at H if you want to get into a top 20 school. You’ll find your niche soon enough at H.</p>

<p>Go to H. You’ll be leaving your L friends anyways at college.</p>

<p>H for sure</p>

<p>H, you probably won’t even like your old friends anymore</p>

<p>H start with Hi but L not start with Ly.
Sorry, my typo, it is hang out, not hand out. Thanks.</p>

<p>Why does this even matter…at all?</p>