<p>I've gotten into Penn State's college of engineering and I plan to major in Aerospace Engineering. I want to buy a laptop but before I commit to a purchase I just want to get some input from students at PSU (especially those that are going through or have gone through the aerospace engineering program).</p>
<p>I really like Macbook Pros and that is my number one choice by far at this point. However, I can not decide between the 13 or 15 inch. I don't want to buy a laptop and then find out I made the wrong decision and be stuck with an inadequate laptop. Here's a list of questions that I have to address my main concerns:</p>
<p>-Is it necessary to have a laptop that can run CAD or are there computer labs with everything you need?
-Do people normally bring their laptops to class and do they normally use them to take notes with?
-I've heard instances (from other schools) where the desks are not big enough to have a 15 inch laptop on them, is this the case at PSU?
-Will having a Mac hinder me as an Engineering student?
-Does PSU provide you with CAD or do you have to buy it yourself? Are you required to buy CAD?
-Will I need the extra power/screen space of the 15 inch
-What type of laptop do most PSU engineering students have?</p>
<p>Thanks for your help!</p>
<p>We are!</p>
<p>I got into the college of engineering too ! Congrats
I was also wondering what time of laptop is needed too .</p>
<p>Hello, I am admitted at the college of engineering and I want to major in aerospace eng too. The new macbook pro’s can handle programs like CAD and you should take the 15’’ because you are going to work a lot with your laptop and a bigger screen is better! (I currently have the 13’’ and I plan to buy the 15’'). Also the 13" is lower speced and that is not good because CAD is a demanding application and also a laptop with better specs will last longer.</p>
<p>This is from the PSU College of Engineering:</p>
<p>For incoming students who do not already own a computer or plan to purchase a new system, the following information is provided for a Laptop system configuration; this is a minimum system configuration recommendation. It should provide acceptable performance for the majority of undergraduate students:</p>
<p>•Processor: Intel Core Duo or AMD equivalent, Apple Intel-based systems, or other system Equivalent to the aforementioned.
•Memory: 2-4 Gig RAM
•Hard Drive: 250 GB
•Video Card: 512 MB RAM
•Networking: 10/100BaseT Ethernet
•Wireless Networking: 802.11g
•DVD/CD Read/Write Drive
•2 USB Ports
•1 FireWire Port (Optional)
•Sound Card & Speakers
•Operating System: Windows XP Pro, Vista, or Windows 7 with latest Microsoft Service Packs applied, Apple Mac OS X (running, as a minimum, Version 10.5.x), or Linux (Ubuntu or SUSE Lunix would be good choices)
•Display: 14 inch or greater
•Lock & Cable (Recommended)</p>
<p>Here’s the link to the site:
[Electronic</a> and Computer Services : Engineering Students](<a href=“http://www.ecs.psu.edu/PSU_COE_COMP_RECOMMENDATION.htm]Electronic”>http://www.ecs.psu.edu/PSU_COE_COMP_RECOMMENDATION.htm)</p>
<p>You can see from the info that QuietType provided the 15" macbook pro is more than ok!</p>
<p>Do you know if PSU gives you CAD or do you have to buy it yourself?</p>
<p>Macs are always more expensive when comparing price to performance. Sure they are better built than some PC companies’ laptops and they may look nice, but when it comes to bang for your buck, PC dominates. I doubt you will need CAD. If you do they will provide it. They’re not going to make you go out and buy a $1000 CAD program. The only software you will need is MS Office if you don’t have it already.</p>