<p>For example,here in my country theres a course called 'life sciences' and in my college there are like 40-45 students in the current batch and theres 2 ,yes 2 guys and rest ALL are girls.</p>
<p>I'm looking into courses in Canada...just canada but i assume courses offered in US would be there in canada as well so please help me if possible,thanks :)</p>
<p>PS: Try not to judge me,I'm just curious.
<p>Elem Ed is often mostly females, nursing is often mostly females. There are certain majors that tend to attract more of one sex. Eng’g is typically 70-80% males.</p>
<p>Life Science is essentially the Canadian equivalent of premed. The students in it are all aiming for med schoool or grad school. It is a very challenging area and quite competitive. Don’t go into life sciences on a whim. As for female dominated classes, just take a women’s/gender studies class, it is easy and usually has no prerequisites.</p>
<p>A lot of Psychology departments are also strongly female. Neuroscience and the more biology based ones are probably 55-60% female but the more artsy psychology, such as “positive psychology” are at least 80% female.</p>
<p>According to a random infographic I found… the five most female-dominated majors are library science, family/consumer/human sciences, public administration and social service, education, and psychology, in that order.</p>
<p>UCB, that chart is pretty odd. What, pray tell is the difference between “Social Sciences and History” and “History?” Because, one is listed as an even mix, the other at predominantly male. </p>
<p>There are also many subjects on the list that are trades, not college degrees.</p>
<p>I know a man who was a dance major in college. The additional bonus was, many of the male dance majors are gay so the odds were really in his favor. And yes, he met his wife there. :)</p>
<p>I really hope this is a hypothetical question posed by the OP and he really isn’t considering choosing his career based on this criteria… That would just be depressing.</p>
<p>But anyway in GENERAL If a major has the words “technology” or “computer” or “engineering” it is male dominated. If it has the words “studies” (excluding certain religious studies) or “psychology” or “education” at the end it is female dominated.</p>
<p>Just an aside, but does anyone know why so many non-sciences departments now add the word “Science” to their titles? eg. “Family and consumer sciences”, “library sciences”, ect.</p>
<p>Actually I am going to choose a major based on this…I’m pretty frustrated with life anyways right now.
I’m neither getting money nor good grades nor relationships or friends.</p>
<p>I might as well try and get one before going for something else.</p>