<p>this is quite controversial. my input would be strongly looking into the campus life at both schools. i say campus life should be the only thing evaluated =]. my cousin chose ucb and grew to not enjoy it. i also have friends that are incredibly happy at ucb right now.</p>
<p>Hehe ok ok please don't kill me. I'll do my research first next time. I just recently started looking into Berkeley and UCLA so I don't know much (anything) about them. My opinion really isn't that credible.</p>
<p>Well, since UCB EECS kills just about anything UCLA could hope to have, I'd have to say UCB (but that's just me because I'd major in EECS).</p>
<p>I'd personally pick Berkeley because its biochem/molecular bio (most likely what I will major in) program can't be beat. But in the social aspect, it's lacking compared to UCLA.</p>
<p>So if you're the kind of person who loves to have fun and socialize, UCLA is probably better for you. Academically, both schools are about the same, give or take a few stellar programs on each school's part.</p>
<p>UCLA because I've have way more fun there. Berkeley if I was a study-a-holic.</p>
<p>Neither. But then I hate CA and I'm obsessed with transferring to Wharton. (chances are I won't get in as a freshman, since my GPA is nowhere near a 3.9 and SAT is ~2160)</p>
<p>If I HAD to choose, I'd pick Berkeley...because Berkeley has Finance and UCLA doesn't. But I wouldn't be put in that position because if I had those stats, I'd apply to Wharton and not Berkeley.</p>