<p>I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm planning on going into the medical field- needless to say, I would like to be accepted into a good medical school.</p>
<p>So, what SAT Subject Tests do these medical schools typically look for? Math II? Biology? Chemistry? Any others?</p>
<p>The SAT IIs you take is dependent entirely on what the undergraduate school wants; med schools don't care about SATs, as they look for your MCAT scores. Keep in mind that unless you are applying to a combined medical program, you do not apply to med school until the end of your 3rd year of university.</p>
<p>Combined medical programs generally require Math II, Chem, and possibly one other science (depends on the program)</p>
<p>Don't even worry about med school at all. Med school is 6+ years in your future. SAT-IIs don't even matter for med school admissions. Focus on getting into a good undergrad college first.</p>
<p>Don't focus on medical school quite now. Just get into a good college and finish all the prerequisite courses for med school and you'll do fine.</p>