Which school has a more competitive biology program-- UCSB or UC Davis?!

<p>I’m thinking about majoring in either biology or physiology. Which one is harder? I’m thinking that if I go to the less competitive school, my grades would thrive better. I’m thankful for any advice. Thanks :)</p>

<p>That’s horrible logic. Neither school is easy.</p>

<p>Try to get in to the school that you think you’ll be happiest at. Academically they are similar, but very different in most other ways. Go visit each, if you have not already done so.</p>

<p>seeing as a lot of bio majors are pre-meds, I would say wherever you go it’s gonna be competitive.</p>

<p>If I had to guess, SB s/b less competitive, but only slightly less. For lower competition for A’s, go to Merced or Riverside.</p>

<p>I agree, that’s not good logic. I can’t imagine why you would want to go somewhere because it would give you As.</p>

<p>If you’re planning on going on to post-grad, it won’t matter what grades you get, but HOW WELL YOU DO on the tests. I’m going into pre-med and I am looking for a school that will best prepare me for the MCATs…usually the harder of the schools</p>

<p>also: Davis is WAY different from SB. SB is my top choice, but I’m not even applying to Davis because I’m not interested in it. Choose based on what school is right for you!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for replying. I’m gonna go with SB!</p>