Which school is more easy to get in in JHK?

Haven’t decided the final interest field. Either Economics or Public Health. It looks like these two are in different schools in JHK. Which one is a little easy to get in?

Whichever fits you best, I suppose.

If your extracurriculars lean one way or the other strongly, it might be sensibly assumed that you could be seen as a better fit there. Overall, public health’s school may be a more competitive school merely insofar as Johns Hopkins is among the world’s greatest medical institutions, and there likely shall be more public health majors applying, but I believe Johns Hopkins takes pride in admitting students to the University as a whole and not shifting standards by college.

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Whichever your application and heart matches. It’s likely your extracurriculars and profile are leaning one way or the other… Anyway, don’t apply to one school or the other based on “how easy it is to get in,” especially at extremely selective schools like the T20s. It’s JHU – it’ll be really hard either way. Apply to the one your heart tells you to! GL

Thanks for the suggestions
