Which school should I go to? (UCI vs. UCSD)

Current situation: I got into UCI for Pharmaceutical Sciences (CHP) and UCSD for Human Biology. Also opted in for Berkeley waitlist under Nutritional Sciences in CNS. My plan was to go to med school afterwards so I really don’t know which school would be best for me (between UCI and UCSD). I am really conflicted between the two (maybe 3) and am running out of time to decide.

UCI pros:

  • LOVE the campus and dorms
  • CHP benefits
  • I would consider myself above average there (?) Meaning I would hopefully spend less time and effort to obtain a high GPA and could use that extra time to do volunteering, interning, and research

UCSD pros:

  • good school for research
  • got in for capped major (really wanna study human bio!)
  • Overall a better school than UCI (prestige kind of matters to me… I know I know…)
  • Pre-reqs for Warren aren’t too bad

UCB pros:

  • CNS is a smaller college, less competition and more contact with professors
  • I qualify for EOP (co-op housing, academic counseling, and priority enrollment I believe)
  • NETWORKING!! (and prestige teehee)

Little bit more about me: I’m not the smartest person but I’m a guy that is willing to put forth the effort to get what I want. UCSD and UCB kind of intimidate me but I know I will do okay because I know that I am up for the challenge. I’m not really looking to be the best, I just want to accomplish my goals and get into med school.

It’s just in terms of strategically planning as of now. I know that med schools look at GPA mostly which kind of makes me think that I should settle for UCI as I would have a better chance of getting a higher GPA there while getting to focus on other stuff. I feel as if the other schools I would have to put in more work only to look average. By no means do I plan to take the easy way out by wanting to choose UCI; I’m kind of just thinking of what to do in terms of getting into med school. On the other hand, I know that UCSD and UCB are really good schools for networking and research. A statistic I came across was that only 35% of UCSD premeds get into med school vs UCB’s 55%. I know UCSD is stereotyped as socially dead but I don’t really mind because I know my social life is what I make of it. I’m leaning towards SD right now (UCB if I get in) and am proud that I got in but I don’t want to regret my decision. Also, if med school doesn’t work out for some crazy reason for me I know that UCSD diploma looks way more impressive than UCI. Please help, thanks!

To my knowledge, these are the most important things in a med school app:

  • GPA
  • MCAT
  • Medical shadowing and research

So if you are truly gung-ho for med school, think about which school will prepare you better (or best, if you get into Berkeley) for the MCAT, which has the most research and shadowing opportunities, and where (also consider majors…) you can do those things and most easily keep a prime GPA.

I don’t think there’s much difference between UCI and UCSD, from a prestige angle, on a med school app. And maybe that wouldn’t even be considered anyway.

Another thing to consider is, most kids who start out pre-med do not end up in med school. So maybe consider which school has other/better majors for you if your interests changed.

Might it be a little harder to get good grades at UCSD? Sure. Might UCSD offer very slightly better academics in your area of interest? Sure. Do they both have hospitals nearby? Certainly. In the end, maybe just go with your gut – go with the school you think fits you better (or best).

And med school is expensive, so consider cost. Even if you weren’t saving up for med school, cost should still be a consideration, especially if the difference is large.

Hey @nervousteengirl , any progress towards a decision?