<p>I've taken both the SAT and the ACT twice.
SAT scores are: 1890 and 2130
ACT scores are: 30 and 33</p>
<p>The individual section scores ALL improved from the first to the second test on both the SAT and the ACT. That is to say, superscoring will NOT help me at all as my second testing has improved on every section on both tests.</p>
<p>So, which score(s) should I report? SAT or ACT? My better score (2nd test in both cases) or both scores?
I've been told that certain schools have opted out of the score choice policy instilled by the collegeboard. But I've also heard that schools have no means of telling whether or not you've reported all scores or only a select few. Then again, all of the schools have stated they don't count multiple testing dates against you and I want to take them at their word - I want to believe it won't hurt me to submit both scores for either test, or all four scores for that matter. But I would rather report one test rather than both because of score reporting fees. For that matter, you have to pay separately for each testing date on the ACT, right? So if I should report the ACT (instead of the SAT) I would prefer to only send in my highest score if I could so that I don't waste money.</p>
<p>Hmm? I’m all but certain that all schools have no preference for one test over the other. If any schools care, I honestly don’t want to hear it. I’m finding it hard to concern myself over the every whim of schools.</p>
<p>I suppose my ACT is higher. So I should send all schools my second ACT score? Or should I send both (if they do not prefer score choice)?</p>
<p>Also, I wonder, I know that schools don’t do anything as crazy as “super scoring” BETWEEN tests (Math from ACT, Reading from SAT, etc) but might they consider subscores/sections individually if they are provided?</p>
<p>I think sending both tests will only help you. Some schools will just take whichever one they consider to be the higher and disregard the other, but other schools will consider the subscores and I do think that will help you.</p>
<p>Your weakest section on the SAT is CR while your strongest section on the ACT is also Reading. I think one could compensate another and help. Send them both…</p>