Which Stats Class?

Hey CC

Computer Science freshman in arts and sciences who wants to do an external specialization in economics, as well as do some work in upper level stats classes (the data mining stuff and what not). I’m pretty confused by all these stats class, econ, math, btry, statistical sciences, ilr and on and on. Which stats classes are best for a cs major as well as study in econ and statistics. What stats classes will I have to take to take 3000+ level econ and stats classes in general? Also, ECON 3130 doesn’t have any stats prereqs, just math 1120 and econ 1110/1120. Wat. If I’m taking econ 1120 concurrently can I do that?

Also, if anyone taken PHIL 2621 or COGST 1101, which one is the best for someone interested in the brain (but isn’t sure about his bio/chem ability).

Sorry for the wall of text!! Love this community :^)

The way I used to deal with questions like this is to look up the course descriptions. find the upper level courses I might want to eventually take,then look at their prerequisite courses and take those.

For a first, beginner intro course,if you are a quantitative person you may want one of the courses that provide more “higher math” approaches to the topic. I would guess these are in the math department (probability first, then statistics), unless those are too theoretical for you. But I don’t know anything about STSCI. Don’t take a course that is not calculus based, that’s just a waste of time IMO.

To further confuse your decision I suggest that you also consider ENGRD 2700. Which is a prerequisite, or corequisite, for ORIE 3120. (and 3500,3510,45480). A large part of the field of Operations Research is to utilize statistical and probabilistic methods to solve business- related problems.

But at some point maybe an adviser would help.

I’m not a current student or anything, in fact I never took a course like this at Cornell. Though I did subsequently, and used some of it in the workplace. So take this for what it’s worth.