Which to send? SAT or ACT

This school does not superscore, and last year the ratio of applicants send in SAT is 80% vs ACT 20%.

Should I send in my SAT 1470 or ACT 34?

Does it mean this school prefer SAT over ACT?

Those were my daughter’s scores, I think she sent both, but I believe the ACT is higher.

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No. They have no preference.

The 34 is the stronger score


Send the ACT score of 34.

Do not send the SAT score.


Thanks everyone. I will send in the ACT then!

1470 is a 32 so send the 34. Ratios like you publishes will be based on geography. If the school is in an SAT area and not national in it’s reach it will get more SATs sent in. Here the 34 is a no brainer. Good luck.

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Here are the official concordance tables. They are very close, but the 34 is the better score.


If the 1470 is at or near the 75th percentile for matriculating students, you should definitely send both. The 80/20 split is only indicative of what students opted to submit, not the institution’s preference.

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I see no reason to send both. The school will just ignore the SAT.

The percentage almost certainly reflects the breakdown of students taking the test in the school’s area/state. It indicates no preference.

(In Alabama, 100% of HS students take the ACT, 7% take the SAT. U of Alabama gets 77% ACT applicants.

In Colorado 100% take the SAT, 25% the ACT. U Colorado-Boulder gets 73% SAT applicants).

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